UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Kings Heath Connexions Closes As Unemployment Rises
20-01-2012 16:41

Media cover-up: Police attack on the Parliament Square Peace Campaign
19-01-2012 23:43

Pinheirinho Occupation, Sao Paulo resisting eviction now
17-01-2012 14:43

occupy bristol Eviction Threat.
16-01-2012 13:21

Support the Dale Farm Planning Appeal – Letter writing campaign
15-01-2012 17:57
Mary Flynn is an Irish Traveller from Dale Farm who is appealing therefusal of planning permission for her plot. Mary’s appeal would be helped
by supporters and residents of Dale Farm sending letters supporting her
appeal. So TSN is calling for supporters to write letters.
Social Centres Breakout
15-01-2012 14:29

G20 protester's statement to the court
14-01-2012 15:48

London Remembers Guantanamo: 10 years
14-01-2012 12:07

Bristol Radical Zine Fest 12.02.12
14-01-2012 12:03

Largest ever Gitmo protest demands Gitmo be closed
13-01-2012 13:17

Video: The march to the Supreme Court and the speakers there -

37 anti-Guantanamo activists arrested outside White House
13-01-2012 12:22

Blood & Iron
13-01-2012 10:11
This is a message to the punks on Aceh island from inside the social conditions that have hit you like a toxic tsunami. Scattered and from far away, we are watching you in solidarity. In your undomitable will, that led you on the path walked by so many intimate witnesses of the banality of evil, we recognise ourselves, and in the iconic scenario of your entrapment we perceive echoes from our own hunts. Deep inside the ancient caverns of our tortured souls, we love you for what you are, because that is all we can do, love and fight, until we have permanently taken back our heads from the oppressors of humanity. In this age of discord and denial, we happened to experience what must end for everyone so that it can finally end for ourselves. Therefore, we are trying to stay alive and grasping for language to penetrate the flood of lies that were made from stolen truths. In seeing you face the very same challenges, we are humbly being reminded that everything we have not said we meant just like that.The movement of the indignados began in the Lacandon Jungle:
12-01-2012 19:57
Pablo González Casanova, now nearly 90, is a former rector of UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). A sociologist, academic and researcher, he is one of Mexico’s most respected intellectuals. This article was his contribution to the recent seminar “planet earth: anti-systemic movements” held in Chiapas on the 18th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising.
Breaking News Cannabis Science, Inc: Cannabis Shrinks “One Of The Worst” Cancers
11-01-2012 23:02
COLORADO’S pioneering biotech company Cannabis Science, Inc have released graphic photos of a patient, suffering with what their physician described as “the worst case of squamous cell carcinoma cancer” he had ever seen, being healed by cannabis oil administered at home.For further details and photographic evidence visit

Campaigners demand Guantánamo closure on tenth anniversary of prison
11-01-2012 11:24
10 years of Guantanamo Bay today!Benefit cuts to make 800,000 more UK homes unaffordable
09-01-2012 23:06
Welfare cuts will put a further 800,000 homes out of reach of those claiming housing benefit, according to study by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH)
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Undercover surveillance - Can you identify this man?
08-01-2012 23:44

Reminder - Leicester Rank and File Meeting
08-01-2012 17:57
This is the planning meeting for a later Leicestershire-wide conference. Please try and get to this or forward the details to rank and filers in the area.