UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Pentagon's troubling role in Haiti
13-01-2008 12:35

Video of Anti-SOCPA demo in London 12-1-08..
13-01-2008 10:11
Unauthorised demo in London, England, against SOCPA legislation which criminalises freedom of expression and freedom of assembly within a zone around Parliament. This legislation is under review and fears are that it might be extended.Anti-SOCPA London pics
12-01-2008 19:00

After Peter Hain - unshackle MPs and 'Peers' and let them question Govt freely
12-01-2008 09:00
After Peter Hain - unshackle MPs and 'Peers' and let them question Govt freely. It is not more public cash that 'career politicians and councillors' deserve. It is accountability and truthful audit of their work by the elected 'representatives' and other 'legitimate forums' that are already overly paid in the name of the public and from the coffers of the public.Disabled man from Kenya suing Home Office supports Harmondsworth detainees on tr
12-01-2008 07:15

'Leftists' and animal rights, the new book.
11-01-2008 20:45
'Suggest to the average leftist that animals should be part of broader liberation struggles and—once they stop laughing—you'll find yourself casually dismissed. With a focus on labor, property, and the life of commodities, Making a Killing contains key insights into the broad nature of domination, power, and hierarchy. It explores the intersections between human and animal oppressions and their relation to the exploitative dynamics of capitalism. Combining nuts and bolts Marxist political economy, a pluralistic anarchist critique, as well as a searing assessment of the animal rights movement, Bob Torres challenges conventional anti-capitalist thinking and convincingly advocates for the abolition of animals in industry—and on the dinner plate.'Kilburn protest against Total Oil support for Burma dictatorship
11-01-2008 19:51

Fred Flintstone& Miss Ramparts speak about Ramparts eviction
11-01-2008 13:44

Sign the online petition to defend democratic rights and the right to collect
11-01-2008 02:00
Four activists are due in court on 11th March 2008 charged with collecting donations without a licence at an anti-deportation street meeting on 7th May. Please sign the online petition which will be submitted to a full meeting of Newcastle City Council on 5th May 2008. To sign the petition visit:
Resisting the Corporate Theft of Iraqi Oil
11-01-2008 00:05

Resisting the Corporate Theft of Iraqi Oil
Ewa Jasiewicz and Greg Muttitt, PLATFORM
Next to Nowhere (next to News from Nowhere bookshop), 96 Bold St.
18th January 2008 - 7.30pm
Styal Prison, Cheshire: vigil - Friday 18 January 2008
10-01-2008 23:10
A peaceful vigil will be held outside HMP and YOI Styal, Cheshireon Friday 18 January 2008, 1.30-4.00 pm
to mark the 5th anniversary of the death of Sarah Elizabeth Campbell, 18
who died in the 'care' of the jail on 18 January 2003
Flowers will be laid in memory of Sarah; all are welcome to attend
The role of the “left” within the trade unions
10-01-2008 21:35
The Socialist, newspaper of the Socialist Party—formerly the Militant group—recently published a revealing exchange in which one of its leading industrial organisers ticked off a member for suggesting that the “left” in the trade unions should be fighting to throw out the bureaucracy and build genuine rank-and-file organisations.Kenny Richey Leaves Jail, Enters Zoo
10-01-2008 19:26

In defense of academic freedom
10-01-2008 18:57
Following Rammell's speech on Academic Freedom, UCU-UNCENSORED rejects the government and Rammell's words and assertions full of sophism and rhetoric. Here we present a video-interview on Academic Freedom taken just two days before Rammell's speech.Total Out of Burma, Brighton Actions
10-01-2008 01:20
This Saturday the 12th of January the weekly pickets of the Total garage in Kemp Town, Brighton will resume.Defend The Right To Protest In Liverpool This Saturday
09-01-2008 19:49
The Liverpool Social Forum invites all campaigning groups and protesters tojoin us in a march to Defend The Right To Protest in Liverpool.
European Social Forum 2008- Another Europe Begins Here
09-01-2008 16:43

Welcome to Malmö 2008 for the next European Social Forum!
Does the progressive left really believe in climate change?
09-01-2008 16:17
There is an interesting thread on the MediaLens discussion board about the following article, "Does the progressive left really believe in climate change?".
While the following article makes good points about the left and climate change the same thing can be said of the left and peak oil — however all these things were brought together in a talk that Nafeez Ahmed gave last November.
One minor thing struck me from the MediaLens discussion, a poster there comments that:
I've seen anarchists on Indymedia arguing fiercely in support of mobile phone companies against residents living near masts who have suffered alarming health problems - on the grounds that they have no scientific proof of their complaints as compared to the mobile companies.
Which appears to indicate to me that she hasn't appreciated the extent that this site is troll'ed...
Does CrossRail hole plot-backer UK minister Bassam have the honesty?
09-01-2008 14:25
On Monday 7 January 2008, a transport minister in the 'house of lords' in London spoke by recognizing the role inn the UK of European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. He refrained from using the full title of the conventions. But his words in fact referred to the constitutional framework that exists in practice under the UK's treaty obligations [dating back to 1950]. So does the minister himself practise his apparent affiliation to the conventions? Not really, if the evidence of his behaviour in promoting the crossrail hole plots is anything to go by.