UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Audio interview at womens prision noise demo
12-03-2004 14:18

Call to Initiate a Social Forum Process for the East Anglia / Regions
12-03-2004 05:23
This proposal was originated and endorsed at the recent AGM of Colchester Peace Campaign, attended by around 40 people. Activists from local movements resisting war, racism, GM crops, the commodification of education and privatisation, plus others, wish to initiate / join / expand the social forum process amongst movements in the east Anglian / Essex Transnational hackmeeting - share, meet, think
12-03-2004 01:34
this call for a transnational hackmeeting in june this year was found on the hubproject website:
Women under occupation - Tonight!
11-03-2004 14:20
New Threats to Womens Rights under occupation in IraqMiddle East peace process in Cambridge
11-03-2004 09:46
Yesterday evening, the second Israel-Palestine dialogue session took place in Cambridge. These dialogue events have been jointly organised by Kolot Shalom (Voices of Peace) and the Cambridge University Palestine Society and represent an innovative and worthwhile attempt to address one of the major conflicts in the world today.
NEW GROUP-NGOs for Palestine
11-03-2004 09:33
I've just formed a group called NGOs for Palestine,which seeks to promote the human rights of all
Palestinian people.

Hackney Council's New Agenda 2004
10-03-2004 21:28
Hackney Council's New Contracts With Housing Associations (Squatters To Be Evicted From Hackney's Properties In Due Course.Post Office Closures
10-03-2004 19:06

to oppose the closure of local post offices. David Lammy, the local MP,
was there too and gave a short speech, and said he would stand up for
[Haringey] Council.
local food initiatives
10-03-2004 15:55
Local food web provides a search engine service for buying and selling locally produced food products by area, throughout the untire UK. you simply log on and search for your location and it gives you a list of local producers and suppliers.London Rising Tide pickets BP Tangguh gas greenwash meeting, London, 10.4.02
10-03-2004 14:12
A deep-frozen London Rising Tide were on hand to meet and greet those NGOs and 'socially responsible' imvestors attending a meeting organised by BP and the 'Tangguh Independent Advisory Panel' (TIAP). TIAP is made up of Senator George Mitchell, (Chairman of TIAP and now also of Disney!), Lord David Hannay, Reverend Herman Saud and Ambassador Sabam Siagian, all of whom are on the BP payroll.The Tide is Rising - benefit gig
10-03-2004 13:18
Rising Tide and Corporate Watch have organised a benefit gig on Tuesday 16th March at Northgate Hall, St Michaels Street, Oxford. There will be poets, singers, music and theatre. Doors open at 7:30 for an 8pm start, cost £5 waged, £3 unwaged.Drug War Film Festival
10-03-2004 12:08
911 and the BC Compassion Club Society present:
Friday, March 12 8pm
$6 / $4 (911 members)
US war on Colombian rebels escalates
10-03-2004 11:30

IRISH QUEERS fight homophobia with culture (NYC)
09-03-2004 19:08
Bigotry shouldn't be paradedWe need you on March 20th
09-03-2004 17:14
Be a part of the second superpower. Stand up against future illegal, preemptive wars and protest the continuing suppression of human rights and free speech which have characterised this one. Help us get the word out that we're making a second showing on Saturday, March 20th.Cambridge Bail Circle Launched
09-03-2004 16:51
A new organisation to help asylum seekers detained at the Oakington reception centre has been launched this week. The Cambridge Bail Circle is made up of local volunteers who object to the Government’s policy of locking up asylum seekers who have committed no crime while their applications for asylum are being considered.China Labour Action Express No. 44
09-03-2004 16:06
09-03-2004 15:50
"Our research is not yet complete but my bet is that Kerry has more royal connections and that he is more noble than President Bush," said Harold Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burke's Peerage, a guide to the British aristocracy."But both candidates have a remarkable number of royal connections and both are related to Queen Elizabeth."
The French government and the Hijab
09-03-2004 12:31
Public meeting on the topic of Marxism and Religion"We are women, we are strong" - Miners Strike 20th Anniversary Events
09-03-2004 10:33