call: Transnational hackmeeting - share, meet, think
transmitter | 12.03.2004 01:34 | Social Struggles | Technology
this call for a transnational hackmeeting in june this year was found on the hubproject website:

Transnational hackmeeting - share, meet, think
by hack crew Thursday March 04, 2004 at 06:59 PM
For some years there have been a number of meetings of hackers, hacktivist and media activist which have all followed the principle of self-organising a space where people with a hacker ethic, applied to whatever area you can think of - from technology to politics to reality itself - could meet, share and think together about new ways of transforming the world around them.
These meetings have been held in different locations at a national, regional, local and neighbourhood level, uniting very different people who have been brought together by their passion for technology, communication, social change, and connecting people, things and paradigms. The meetings have met with lots of enthusiasm and the feeling that a diverse community centred around these themes is possible.
This year it seems that a meeting bringing together people from all over Europe (geographically speaking), the Mediterranean, Near and Middle East really is possible and this is a call for making it happen.
This meeting won't be organized by anyone else other than you: bring your workshop, your debate, the things you've studied this year, the things you want to talk about, the reasons and projects why you'd like to meet other hackers - and you don't need to be a geek to be a hacker!
The Monteparadiso squat in Pula, Croatia, has already agreed to host the transnational hackmeeting, otherwise known as the transhackmeeting or thk, which has been in the pipeline for two years. The meeting will take place at the end of June.
If you want to help out and participate, subscribe to the list ( and spread the news through your local networks.
by hack crew Thursday March 04, 2004 at 06:59 PM
For some years there have been a number of meetings of hackers, hacktivist and media activist which have all followed the principle of self-organising a space where people with a hacker ethic, applied to whatever area you can think of - from technology to politics to reality itself - could meet, share and think together about new ways of transforming the world around them.
These meetings have been held in different locations at a national, regional, local and neighbourhood level, uniting very different people who have been brought together by their passion for technology, communication, social change, and connecting people, things and paradigms. The meetings have met with lots of enthusiasm and the feeling that a diverse community centred around these themes is possible.
This year it seems that a meeting bringing together people from all over Europe (geographically speaking), the Mediterranean, Near and Middle East really is possible and this is a call for making it happen.
This meeting won't be organized by anyone else other than you: bring your workshop, your debate, the things you've studied this year, the things you want to talk about, the reasons and projects why you'd like to meet other hackers - and you don't need to be a geek to be a hacker!
The Monteparadiso squat in Pula, Croatia, has already agreed to host the transnational hackmeeting, otherwise known as the transhackmeeting or thk, which has been in the pipeline for two years. The meeting will take place at the end of June.
If you want to help out and participate, subscribe to the list
