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UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive

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UK/ Victims want more community & restorative sentencing

14-08-2006 23:01

Focus on crime prevention
It found overwhelming support for schemes that focus on crime prevention with more than half (54%) saying they were in favour of making offenders work in the community on projects in schools, old people's homes or parks to stop them re-offending.

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'Evil Cabal' Blog Closes...For Now

14-08-2006 17:08

A website containing allegations against senior council bosses has closed...for now.

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Three Day Strike For Merseyside Ambulance Workers

14-08-2006 16:26

Merseyside ambulance workers are piling the pressure on their scheming bosses by announcing the longest strike yet in the six week dispute.

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Spain: Mercadona supermarket strike enters fifth month

14-08-2006 15:06

Send some cash if you can...

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Fight back for women's liberation - Feminist Fightback conference

14-08-2006 13:27

Feminist Fightback is a conference for feminist activists, sponsored by the Education Not for Sale Women's network, which will be held in London on Saturday 21 October (venue tbc).

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Revival of West Midlands Anti-Deportation Campaigns

14-08-2006 12:28

With the number of forced deportations reaching unprecedented records and asylum seekers of ceratin nationalities (Iraqis and Zimbabweans, for example) facing the prospect of mass deportation campaigns in the near future, a number of failed and successful asylum seekers, along with their supporters, met yesterday in Birmingham to build up campaigns against their possible deportation. The result was reviving the West Midlands Anti-Deportation Campaigns (WMADC), which disbanded in 2000, after 15 years of successful campaigns.

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Book/prisons Western Hemisphere

14-08-2006 03:09

Dear Friends, This is a special effort by CURE in the US. We have pasted the first part and the section about the US on the bottom for those who can't download the 1.8mb book. It gives a sense of what we could do.

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Against Israel's war on Lebanon & Palestine: AUSTRALIA

12-08-2006 21:29

Sydney rally against Israel's war
The crowd at today's rally was smaller than at the major demonstration on July 22 but just as determined. We were protesting against Israel's ongoing war against the people of Lebanon and Palestine.

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Photos: Downing Street "Ceasefire Now" Protest (11.08.06)

12-08-2006 19:46

Title: "Ceasefire Now" Protest
Date: 11.08.06
Location: Downing Street, London
Comment/context: Arouind 200 protester outside Downing Street. Organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, CND, British Muslim Initiative and STW.

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Israeli activist shot in bil'in

12-08-2006 16:45

israeli activist hit by rubber bullet during demonstration in bil'in (west bank)
Today an Israeli activist got shot in the head by a rubber bullet during a non-violent protest against the Palestinian Occupation. He will suffer serious lasting brain injury from his wounds. At this moment he's in an hospital in Tel Aviv for brainsurgery. Here follows a report on the demonstration.

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Choosing Sides

12-08-2006 15:11

Examining the present situation in the Middle East - is the West really fighting Islamic extremists or are they actually doing their utmost to promote them? This article offers evidence in support of the latter

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Thousands rally for peace in Lebanon

12-08-2006 07:00

No excuse for its aggression!
"All those hypocrites who don't call for a cease-fire are accomplices.

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Support Haringey Binman Strike - Picket Monday 14th August

12-08-2006 01:50

Monday 14th August - 8.30am
Ashley Road Depot
N17 9AZ
(nearest tube: Tottenham Hale)

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Martyrs Square Vigil, Lebanon - Wed 9th Aug - Photo Report

11-08-2006 23:34

Now that the Arab league has left the city, the ban on demonstrations has been lifted. Every night at seven, people gather in the square to remember the dead and discuss the situation.

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Activists Help Lebanese Refugee Kids - Tues 8th Aug - Photo Report

11-08-2006 23:22

Today I join activists from the Zico House Social Centre who are on a mission to cheer up the refugee children in this district. The centre had previously been home to a meeting space as well as offices for various progressive groups. The activists have well and truly risen to the challenge that they have been faced with, as hundreds of thousands of refugees had flooded in from the south of the city and the country. They have organised into committees to deal with different aspects of the daunting refugee situation. I am with the group that has formed to help the children of the refugees have some quality of life while they remain in overcrowded centres with little or nothing to do.

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Deaths in Custody

11-08-2006 21:02

Deaths in Custody (police and prison custody)
- article published on 11 August 2006,
following the conclusion of the Michael (Mikey) Powell case

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Request to President Chavez to publicise a Political-Education policy

11-08-2006 15:49

We need to establish & publicise a POLICY of Public Information Campaigning to educate & politically activate on vital political issues (e.g. oil imperialism) our General Publics, university students in particular.
If President Chavez would publicise this policy, millions of supporters throughout the world could begin to change the minds and hearts of the Silent Majorities who ignorantly support fascism and imperialism, and are usually against us.

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Fake air terror: Bank of England freezes assets of accused?

11-08-2006 13:15

The giant Bank of England is a privately owned institution; which is not subject to regulation by the British Parliament, and is in effect a sovereign world power. Like the privately owned money printing shop called 'Federal Reserve' in the United States, the biggest heist ever concerning mankind

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Join the civilian convoy to South Lebanon on August 12th

10-08-2006 21:56

On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity will gather in Martyr's Square in Beirut to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon.

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Bosses Adopt Bullying Tactics Against Striking Ambulance Workers

10-08-2006 17:03

The chief executive of the North West Ambulance Service resorted to bullying tactics last night, in an attempt to weaken solidarity between striking ambulance workers, ahead of this weekend's scheduled fifth stoppage.