UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
March of discontent: lessons in work struggles (Italy)
30-03-2013 20:43
The working class is awakening, and the mobilisations of the last few days among the logistics sector workers in Emilia Romagna are the first signs. Recently, we have seen two different images of work struggles: the Peugeot workers in Paris clashing with the police on one hand; and the sad, resigned-looking picket organised by Fiom outside a Fiat establishment in Italy, on the other hand. Both are fighting for their jobs, but the differences are clearly visible and stimulate many diverse reflections. The French workers’ determination in defense of their rights and dignity has spread to the Italian logistics sector workers’ mobilisation on March 22, and manifested in their determination to defeat the enemy. Workers of different backgrounds and origins, Italians and migrants, have united against the exploitation carried on by the worker cooperative owners and the main worker cooperative, the Coop.Baring Teeth: New Blog Aimed at the UK AR Movement
29-03-2013 18:45

UG#624 - The Vast Machine To Perpetuate Hopelessness (Marxian Class Analysis 1)
29-03-2013 17:46

UG#625 - Jettisoning Accustomed Categories of Thought (Marxian Class Analysis 2)
29-03-2013 17:39

UG#626 - Where Communism Meets Capitalism (TPPA, Marxian Class Analysis 3)
29-03-2013 17:33

UG#627 - The Progressive Process of Desocialization (Marxian Class Analysis 4)
29-03-2013 17:28

Gearing Up For March For England In Brighton
29-03-2013 14:33
Here is the link to some of the latest info on the March For England and their fascist mates coming back to Brighton, Along with contact details for stopMFELand.
28-03-2013 18:52

New British Union - contact your local fascist today
27-03-2013 21:17
The New British Union (NBU) is a fascist cult led by BNP reject Gary Raikes. They view themselves as a revival of Mosley's British Union, dreaming of thousands of blackshirts marching through the streets. In reality they're barely more than a few easily led fools and some school kids that Gary has been grooming, but they're still fascists who think they can organise openly and as such it seems sensible to cast a wary eye in their direction.Recently the NBU kindly posted contact details for their 'District Officers'. Here's a wee bit more info on a few of them.
27-03-2013 19:24

27-03-2013 18:16

Why do we tolerate a system so rotten?
Atos Mass Read 9th April
27-03-2013 08:03
Looking for people to take part in a mass read of the Atos Monologues on 9th AprilCall out against the EDL Infidels in Sunderland March 30th
26-03-2013 23:28
This is a leaflet produced by North East Anti Fascists for use in Sunderland and beyond to mobilise against the far right.Land
26-03-2013 19:05

End the WTO and the Stop the new wave of Free Trade Agreements
26-03-2013 11:18

School for Eco-Warriors Will Teach Teenagers How to Stop Global Warming
25-03-2013 21:46
Bristol bookfair after-party fundraiser info
24-03-2013 21:22

This is a split fundraiser for us and Bristol Defendant Solidarity. Any funds raised that we do not need will be shared out to other groups locally, as usual.
JSA & ESA South London Claimants Union
21-03-2013 13:32
For a Claimants Union in South London!Wednesday 27th March 4pm
Eileen House, 80-94 Newington Causeway, SE1 6EF
Is Welsh Planning Policy for Coal about to Hit the Buffers?
21-03-2013 12:18
The new Welsh Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Mr Carl Seargent, is about to make a decision on the Varteg Hill Opencast site application. If he decides to uphold the Appeal recommendation arising from a recent Public Inquiry it could set a new precedent for how all other Welsh opencast site applications are decided. It could have even wider repercussions across England and Scotland as well. This press release explains why.