UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
MDC-T senator-elect nabbed over violence
26-06-2008 02:43
What the western press is not reporting:MDC-T senator-elect for Siyakobvu in Kariba John Malaba has been arrested in connection with violence that left scores of Zanu-PF supporters injured.
Famine killed 7 million people in USA
26-06-2008 02:26
Another online scandal has been gathering pace recently. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, deleted an article by a Russian researcher, who wrote about the USA’s losses in the Great Depression of 1932-1933.
Zimbabwe: Tragedy & Hope
26-06-2008 00:08
including a history of ZimbabweZanu PF's hold on power, necessarily steadfast because of their foremost role in the independence struggle, subsequently led to their own concentration of political power. The brutal represssion of the MDC opposition over the last couple of months has led to near universal condemnation. The western media has neglected to mention that there has also been violence from the MDC (under extreme provocation - this is after all a class war between Zanu PF's black bourgeois, their tribal support base and the military versus the trade union working class/impoverished middle class and rural poor of the MDC). Meanwhile doubts continue to surface as to the MDC's privatisation agenda.
The UK's Looming Energy Crisis: A State of Emergency
25-06-2008 21:26

In an article titled A State of Emergency, on The Oil Drum, Euan Mearns outlines the trends for fossil fuel production, imports and price for the UK and paints a bleak picture, following are a couple of graphs from his article and some extracts, emphasis added.
Local government workers to strike over pay
25-06-2008 15:17
Local government workers have voted 55% in favour of strike action, making strikes by over 600,000 workers a near certainty over the summer, from 16th-17th July.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Human Rights Scandal in Austria
25-06-2008 14:16
Non-governmental organisations express concern about what may be a case of state repression of social activismAung San Suu Kyi Birthday Protest
24-06-2008 21:19

Anti-Sprawl Direct Action in Montana
24-06-2008 17:30

ROG FACTORY / European Social Center's meeting report tonight at Bowl Court >>>
24-06-2008 17:25
7PM @ Bowl Court[[An informal report and discussion on the Rog Social Centre in Ljubljana]]
European Social Center's meeting report tonight at Bowl Court >>>
ROG, 20-21-22 June
More information at:

Social Enterprise looks for creative entrepreneurs to collaborate
24-06-2008 16:08
The Lesbian Association of India has established a fund-raising café in Cambridge and is looking for creative people, performers and ethical businesses to collaborate.Helsinki Days of Action for Autonomous Spaces - July '08
24-06-2008 12:18
Squatters of Helsinki invite you to Helsinki for five days lastingactiondays for autonomous freespaces, culture and freedom.
event london) Feeding Frenzy – a Discussion on Food, Fuel and Finance
24-06-2008 00:08
Feeding Frenzy – a Discussion on Food, Fuel and FinanceFox Hunt takes injunction out against monitors.
23-06-2008 19:37
The Crawley and Horsham hunt is taking an injunction out against monitors stopping them from documenting any evidence of law breaking.News from the battles for free space in Copenhagen
23-06-2008 17:47
Struggles around free space and squats continue abounds in Copenhagen, Denmark. Not only are there still weekly demos still for the campaign to have a new Youthhouse (Ungdomshuset) but a new extension to the famous squatted Christiania has been occupied with great success. It also looks like the council has given in to pressure from the squatters movement and agreed a new Youth House for the kids!!More shops to close in Farnborough town centre
23-06-2008 15:14

Firgrove Court demolition to begin soon
23-06-2008 15:02

"COINTELPRO operations manuals" now posted
23-06-2008 12:25
Organized stalking and electronic harassment is the common name of the current-day COINTELPRO crimes. One OS/EH target has compiled "operations manuals" describing the perpetrator organization.Resistance in Oaxaca! Tour
23-06-2008 10:11