UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Direct Action; Sweden, Mexico, Slovakia, UK & Italy
16-09-2008 20:30

11th October Anti- Surveillance Mass Action
16-09-2008 16:54

solidarity with activists around the world.

Call for anti-fascist action against the BNP's tatty merchandising arm Excalibur
16-09-2008 13:54
Bin the BNP's crapPHILIPPINES: Suspend US Military Deployments to Mindanao
16-09-2008 13:07
A broad coalition of NGOs, social movements, and political parties from Mindanao and the rest of the country today called for all US military deployments in Mindanao suspended pending the conclusion of a fair and thorough probe by lawmakers.Letter from imprisoned anarchist Polikarpos Georgiadis (Greece)
16-09-2008 11:47
Note: Polikarpos Georgiades who got arrested a few weeks ago recently sent his first letter from prison. See this article for more information.Solidarity campaigners highlight threat of Latin American coups
16-09-2008 03:21

Reports from Colombia and London activities
16-09-2008 00:27
Colombia Solidarity Campaign London branch meetingDialect - ACPO and British Police Harassment of Journalists
15-09-2008 22:50

Protest the BNP rally this Saturday!
15-09-2008 22:11
This Saturday the fascist British National Party are holding a public rally in Stoke On Trent. They have been targetting Stoke for a while now, and hope to break through there in next year's European Elections.Letter to the bourgeoisie from a Mexican campesino
15-09-2008 18:41
On the annivesary of Mexican Indpendence, the social struggle continuesFree West Papua Campaign :: September Update ::
15-09-2008 15:45
This months update includes developments for the forthcoming 'InternationalParliamentarian for West Papua', news of an upcoming interview with Benny and
Maria Wenda on BBC Radio 3, the date of the September Indonesian Embassy vigil,
and developments on the postcard campaign.
Fuel poverty
15-09-2008 15:03
Many households this winter are going to shiver in the cold because they cannot meet rising fuel bills.Bolivia: Fascist right launches ‘civic coup’
15-09-2008 13:45

Senior Nepali Maoist leader London meeting: CANCELLED
15-09-2008 12:48
The meeting which was to be addressed by C P Gajurel, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) on Tuesday 16 September has unfortunately been cancelled due to events in Nepal.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Disabled activists take over DWP welfare reform meeting
15-09-2008 11:48
The Disabled People's Direct Action Network have gatecrashed a DWP meeting on disability and welfare reform to which no disabled people's organisations were invited, today (Monday 15th September 2008)RADICAL ASSEMBLIES AT THE ESF MALMÖ, SWEDEN, 18th - 21th SEPTEMBER
15-09-2008 09:53
Radical Assemblies are open meetings in the activist center Utkanten.
The assemblies are open discussions and participatory workshops on
different topics with the purpose to exchange experiences and share
information between different european activist networks. The Radical
Assemblies and Utkanten is autonomous from ESF, so you dont need to
pay participatory fee to ESF to take part.
Protest @ British Airways Head Office
15-09-2008 07:12
Respect Nigerians Coalition (RNC) to hold a peaceful protest at the British Airways Corporate headquarters, Harmondsworth on Wednesday 17th September 2008Baluch deplore pro-Al Qaeda rallies in New York
15-09-2008 07:11

Hands Off Latin America - demo and rally this Wednesday in London
14-09-2008 23:19

Boycott The Showroom cinema
14-09-2008 17:56