UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Anti City Academy protest camp defies eviction order.
15-07-2008 23:38

Smash School Privatisation: Wembley Tent City Issued Imminent Eviction - Resist!
15-07-2008 12:07
Just 30 minutes ago a Willesden County Court judge ordered Hank Roberts and all those with him to leave the Wembley Park Sports Ground immediately, take all tents and belongings and be removed by 6pm tonight, an impossible injunction if you've seen the photos, or face further prosecution and even jail. Resistance and support is needed now. SMASH SCHOOL PRIVATISATION!Italian officials convicted over G8 protest
15-07-2008 10:30
An Italian court has found 15 officials guilty of mistreating protesters following violent demonstrations at G8 meeting in the city of Genoa in 2001.A judge handed down prison sentences ranging from five months to five years to the accused - who include police, prison officials and two doctors.
Another 30 defendants were cleared of charges, including assault.
Is Gordon Brown aware just how negligent the Tower Hamlets Council clique is?
15-07-2008 09:59
Gordon Brown has placed, via Hazel Blears et al, significant value on the Blairing local Councils that are associated his regime. In fact Tower Hamlets Council is often used by Brown as a platform. But does he realise how devastatingly negligent that Council’s clique of 'leadership' is? And who will count the cost of its letdowns and negligence? Will Brown even be around in office to put a stop to the habit of putting cliques of corruption in positions of State-funded and state-endorsed of power over inner city populations like the ordinary community in the Borough of Tower HamletsOpen statement and invitation to the trade union movement from the Climate Camp
14-07-2008 17:50
An invitation to the trade union movement to engage in a dialogue with the Camp for Action.Collapse of town centre regeneration schemes
14-07-2008 14:41
The first casualty of the property crash and credit crunch has been the collapse of town centre regeneration schemes.Alton Food Festival 2008
14-07-2008 14:38

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Can you photograph a bouncer who is being aggressive?
14-07-2008 11:27

End this injustice - stop the removal of Anselme Noumbiwa!
14-07-2008 07:34

Wembley Tent City Occupation: Urgent Call To Action
13-07-2008 23:20
We need more people, numbers, for the day, a morning or afternoon or come and stay, squat the land. Smash school privatisation. Oppose education for profit.Wembley Tent City Occupation: Press release - 12/07/2008
13-07-2008 22:17

Action and Support: Wembley and Pimlico Anti-Academisation Need You
13-07-2008 21:27

Italian Courts allow Rastafarians to use Cannabis - but is this legal
13-07-2008 10:56
The Courts in Italy have singled out Rastafarians and allowed them to use cannabis without prosecution - but is this legal under Human Rights law and ought it not be universally applicable, argues the Legalise Cannabis AllianceKilburn Total Oil Burma Protest 9th July 2008
12-07-2008 20:06

London anti-scientology protest 12.07.08
12-07-2008 20:03

This protest took place at two locations across London on Sunday 12.07.08.
End G8 Domination!
12-07-2008 14:31

Wallmapuen *European Presentation Tour*
12-07-2008 10:58
*Wallmapuwen invites you to this unique event in his European Tour.*Update- AR2008 Moved
11-07-2008 22:28
AR2008 MOVED FROM AUSTRIA DUE TO STATE REPRESSION!Theses on the Basic Income Discussion
11-07-2008 11:14
Poverty can only be overcome globally. A change of perspective is necessary so social assistance is seen as positive and not as negative. Without a committment to human dignity and a human future, barbarism seems inevitable given the vast numbers of economic refugees. Radical redistribution, nationally and internationally, is the command of the hour. More articles are available at the Campaigns Friday 11 July 2008
11-07-2008 10:52
Another airline may be backing off carrying deportees