UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Acme Acre - Stratford - New squatted space
27-10-2012 02:23
a new 1.5 acre commercial estate of warehouses plus a block of art studios has been opened in stratford. amazing space would have to be seen to be believed ;) all are welcome to come visit and help paint up the space and give ideas about what theyd like to see come from the project. the address is The sugar house, 9 sugar house lane, stratford, e15 2qs, just after the bow roundabout. if you visit please press buzzer h on the red gate. spread the word to like minded people and artists who would like to get involved.The Bell begins to Toll
25-10-2012 23:50
It is time we the public wake up en mass and realise that there are many individuals and groups who are hailed as pillars of the establishment (with titles and in positions of power) in both the UK and the USA who are nothing but depraved beings, knee deep in the cesspit of sexual abomination. This is how the world is run. It has of course been assisted by the indoctrination and fraudulent science of Alfred Kinsey, used by the establishment, promoted by UNESCO.see
International Appeal for Delta Squat & anarchist immigrant Gustavo Quiroga
24-10-2012 12:48
Thessaloniki, Greece, urgent appeal for international support with delta squat and imprisoned anarchist immigrant Gustavo QuirogaFree Internet Book: "The World Crisis and Beyond," 182 pp
23-10-2012 18:45
Once the source of hope, the US is often a source of fear. Closing most of the 700+ bases would be a step from empire to republic. Security is a political and social challenge, not only a military project. Development should be a right, not only a hope and a promise. The future should be open and dynamic, not closed and static where the poor are forgotten (cf. J.Moltmann, C.Johnson, E.Hobsbawm)Deportation charter to Sri Lanka: media repudiation & UK political collusion
23-10-2012 11:31
Protesters are gathered (since 10am), Tuesday 23rd October, Harmondsworth & Colnbrook detention centres near Heathrow, to prevent the departure of vehicles transporting detainees due to be deported back to Sri Lanka today!Updates on:

3 attempts to deport people to Sri Lanka have previously been disrupted by a combination of legal action & direct action at the detention centres, with coaches physically stopped from leaving while lawyers won final-hour injunctions in court. During the last charter on 19th September, a person locked himself to the coach surrounded by supporters, holding it up for hours while 35 people gained injunctions stopping their deportations throughout the afternoon.
La ZAD Eviction Up to date Report
22-10-2012 17:08
Europes largest protest zone is going through multiple evictions (because there are numerous sites) - all through much media silence! Over the past four days La ZAD, an anti-airport protest zone, composing of over 20 occupied sites has been putting up the barricades, opposing and protesting against the harassment and the evictions by a troop of police over a 1000 strong.October 20: The view from Oxford Circus
22-10-2012 14:52

Stop G8 Gathering
22-10-2012 12:13

Siege of The Elephant: Convergence against gentrification 17th November 2012
22-10-2012 00:09

Saturday 17th November 11am – 5pm
Pembroke House 80 Tatum Street London SE17 1QR
Starving disabled blockade London traffic
21-10-2012 22:27
We’re digging through dumpsters just to stay alive, disabled demonstrators said this weekend in a dramatic blockade of London traffic.Dozens of activists with Disabled People Against Cuts shut down mid-afternoon traffic in Marble Arch on Saturday, handcuffing themselves and their wheelchairs together to protest “deadly” attacks on state benefits.
How to support Trenton Oldfield
21-10-2012 11:58

On the same day George Osbourne was refusing to sit with us “plebs” in the second class train carriage, Trenton Oldfield was beginning a six month prison sentence for protesting against elitism and inequality. See excellent article by Nina Power below.
Please show your support by writing to Trenton.
You can email Trenton using: with the details: Trenton Oldfield, Prison ID: A1010CT, H.M.P.Wormwood Scrubs.
Or send a letter: Prison Number: A1010CT, H.M.P.Wormwood Scrubs, P.O.Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London W12 0AE
March For A Future That Works
21-10-2012 06:47

Britain 'has worse record on internet freedom than Philippines'
20-10-2012 14:43

Chile: Anarchist action in solidarity with Mapuche Hunger Strike
20-10-2012 10:24

#Oct20 + TUC trending top across all UK cities
20-10-2012 09:35

New Geopolitical Paintings
19-10-2012 20:00

Largest Protest Zone in Europe Being Evicted - La ZAD
19-10-2012 19:32
Europes largest protest zone is going through multiple evictions - all through much media silence! Over the past four days La ZAD, an anti-airport protest zone, composing of over 20 occupied sites has been putting up the barricades, opposing and protesting against the harassment and the evictions by a troop of police over a 1000 strong.100,000s expected at TUC march – know your rights
19-10-2012 10:58

We recommend that you take a minute to look at our bust card, which can be found in the resources section on the left-hand side of our website or in this post.
OxIMC film night for November: Even the Rain
19-10-2012 09:16

Stay Safe: Stay Anonymous! #2: Masking Up
19-10-2012 06:01

This is possibly the easiest form of FITwatching that can be done. It is 100% legal (although you need to read the Legal Information at the bottom of this post), keeps you off a database and, when done en masse, creates a sea of obscured faces that are much harder to identify. This is something everyone should be doing on demonstrations, particularly in London – a city smothered by blanket surveillance.
However, there are a few things we should bear in mind when engaging in this form of FITwatching:
When, Where, Who, Why…
- If travelling alone or with a small group of friends (an ‘affinity group’), move quickly and smoothly round the streets to find the demonstration. It is not advisable to mask up before reaching a crowd, as this draws attention to you. However, you should use your initiative – if the cops are already making moves towards you, you might want to mask up.
- Once there, mask up in a nice spot in the crowd, an enclosed doorway or other public-accessible space; toilets, alleyways etc. away from the obvious glare of the police, journalists, CCTV or other people who might (intentionally or otherwise) be documenting your movements and jeopardising your anonymity.
- If there is civil disobedience, direct action or crowd responses to aggressive policing taking place, then make sure you mask up if you haven’t already. These are crucial moments when intelligence gathering cops of all stripes will be on the prowl and the best moment to disrupt their activities.
- If the FIT shove a camera in your face, it goes without saying you should do whatever you can to obscure it. It is, after all, your legal right to individually refuse FIT photography/filming. If you have a mask, put it on. Ideally, you won’t let it get to this far without masking up, but it’s never too late.
- Just because you aren’t going to do anything unlawful when you leave the house that day, doesn’t mean you don’t need to defend your anonymity. With draconian powers handed to the police on a plate for their arbitrary use, you never know when you might get your collar felt. Better safe than sorry.