UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
The cost of an EU superstate
10-06-2004 13:06
Across Europe we are seeing a rise in eurosceptism.NF plan anti gay march:St Albans.
10-06-2004 12:22
The National Front plan to march in protest about Canon Jeffery John in St Albans in July.Postal ballot dirty tricks exposed
10-06-2004 08:52
Election fraud in the UK...Orissa: Tribal Protest Against Displacement Faces Arrests and Intimidation
09-06-2004 09:34
Tribal villagers in the State of Orissa, India, are fighting displacement from their villages and agricultural land. Their campaign has faced arrests, physical attacks and intimidation, and the authorities have refused to listen to their concerns. The State government has given the go-ahead for Sterlite, a mining company with links to UK business.Yard Sign Project
09-06-2004 04:07

The invitation below has been sent to artists, friends, writers, activists, hacktivists and strangers. Please contact me if I may provide further information, images, or if you would like to link to the project. Yard Sign Project is online at

Ronald Reagan – A Personal Memory
08-06-2004 17:40
As history is being rewritten before our eyes and the great and the good, past and present, from Thatcher and Gorbachov to Clinton and Bush mourn the death of ex President Ronald Reagan, it has been fascinating to see how this man has been virtually canonised.G8 Resistance Report - The Past, Present, and Future...
08-06-2004 14:53

On Terrorism and the State
08-06-2004 13:10
25 years after its publication, Gianfranco Sanguinetti's "On Terrorism and the State" is finally available on-line'Wobblies' film screening
07-06-2004 23:03
London Socialist Film Co-op screening of: “WOBBLIES” a documentary on trade union activity in the USA between 1905 and 1918
Millions of Iraqis Enjoying their New-Found Freedom
07-06-2004 21:38
Baghdad, Iraq - Thousands of Iraqis have spent the last few days enjoying their freedom by standing in line to apply for the many new jobs being created around the country.AXIS OF EVIL DOER'SDOES IT'S THANG
07-06-2004 18:36
Two stories that really let you know the depths of depravity that the NWOis capable of.During routine operations in which the israeli army takes pot shots at palestinian civilians
"Israelis kill man in wheelchair" the only surprise is that they didn't target him from an F16 with a missile .
US 'not bound by torture laws'
No surprise here they have been doing it for years in south and central america ...
Urgent! Were You stopped & Searched during the 2003 DESI protests.
07-06-2004 12:45
Please circulate widely:Were you searched in London by police during the
DSEI arms fair last September? Liberty needs
your search receipts ASAP for the second stage of
a High Court legal battle against the Metropolitan
Police. 0207 378 3653 www.liberty-humanrights.
Postal address: LDMG, C/o BM Haven, London WC1N 3XX
Bristol STW Regional News : 7th June 2004 (VIRTUAL VERSION)
07-06-2004 01:30
BRISTOL STOP-THE-WAR NEWS : 7th June 2004DAY OF ACTION: 30th June (part of a week of action) Sections 5, 6, 7
NOTE: Please see Sections 9 & 10 for more Bristol & Regional events.
Bristol STW Regional News : 7th June 2004 (PRINTER VERSION)
07-06-2004 00:56

The STOP march (Swindonians Together On Planning)
06-06-2004 17:24

BIG action @ York Sainsbury's
05-06-2004 20:40

No to United States Intervention in Venezuala
05-06-2004 17:12
A referendum to recall President Chavez as well as a number of anti-chavista elected officials is being called for August. US pressure to overthrow President Chavez and get its hands on the oil of the venezuelan people is greater than ever. We demand that the media report what is happening in Venezuela rather than act as employees of the hated and unelected Bush administrationSell out of Farnborough town centre
05-06-2004 13:32
Wednesday evening 2 June 2004, the people of Farnborough were sold out to a Kuwaiti-financed property company by the people who allegedly are elected to represent their interests. No small wonder few people these days take the trouble to vote.