UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Seasonal solidarity – London ABC letter writing and christmas card afternoon.
16-11-2012 13:48

Northern Ireland Hosting UK G8 Summit?
15-11-2012 14:25
I am not sure how current this news is amongst activists and rebels, although the article link is from today's Northern Irish BBC page. Just wanted to spread this around the movements to add to the picture of what might take place next year.Euromobilization of November 14
13-11-2012 22:27
Only the class struggle can defend proletarian interests against capitalism!Confronted with the deterioration of living conditions, with generalized layoffs, unemployment and restrictions on basic services such as health, transport, social security, the working class is faced with the dilemma of accepting the miserable situation into which the bourgeoisie wants to plunge it or to really enter into struggle.
“This land has already been allocated to those who actually work it and live on
13-11-2012 17:28
In recent days, support bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN ) from Comandante Abel and Unión Hidalgo communities were evicted from their land and dispossessed of their crops, by paramilitaries from the municipio of Sabanilla, openly protected by the State’s Public Security forces.UAF Make Themselves Look Stupid
13-11-2012 13:19

Just posted on the UAF website is a leaflet asking people to tactically vote in this Thursday's PCC elections to stop the BNP candidate Simon Darby in Stoke.

Varde Crest Nicholson Open Weekend The Captain - Family Help Appeal
13-11-2012 06:17

British Heart Foundation May Be Withdrawing From Workfare
12-11-2012 18:14

A good finale for 2012, a reason for joy in dismal times
10-11-2012 15:46
Interventionistische Linke and Ums Ganze! Alliance on the General Strike in southern Europe , November 14 and 16, 2012Barnados under regular pressure in Oxford
09-11-2012 23:20
Campaigners have been picketing and leafletting at the Barnados store in Oxford fairly regularly, in protest at their collusion with the migration-control system, specifically detention of children.Leicester - Smash Workfare Saturday!
08-11-2012 17:31
Leicester action against workfare, from 9.30 am, this Saturday 10th November. Claimants, workers, waged, unwaged... all welcome to get involved.Greece, Athens: General strike 07.11.2012 - riots (photos)
08-11-2012 16:36

Crash! Financial Crisis event on 24th Novemeber
08-11-2012 15:44
Free Event 10.30 – 17.00 Saturday 24th November. Main Building, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ETGet to grips with the basics of the financial crisis, and make links with other people from Birmingham and the West Midlands who want an economic system that puts people before profit.
If you want to understand how the global economy got into such a mess, and what to do about it this event is for you.
MP's & Bardem support demo for jailed Western Sahara activists
08-11-2012 12:06
As demonstrators in London mark the 2nd anniversary of the Gdiem Izik protest camp in Western Sahara, MP's and Javier Bardem express their supportCURO Housing renting its homes as holiday lets to wealthy tourists
07-11-2012 17:03
CURO Housing proposes to privatise 600 affordable homes in Bath and re-let them on the private market and for holiday letsGambling addict on hunger strike to close betting shops
06-11-2012 15:00

Full article | 3 additions | 22 comments
november 5th #OpVendetta march on parliament - report & pics
06-11-2012 00:22

Call out for days of Propaganda and Action for Piotr Silajev!
05-11-2012 14:51
From Barcelona we are making a call out for international days of propaganda and action to support our compañero Piotr Silajev on the days of 19th-21st of November.ex social worker exposes corruption
05-11-2012 11:00
We have a ex cps social worker on our daily radio show at 7pm london time.please join the chat room and ask your questions
Cambridge demo against 200 Tesco Drivers threatened with sack.
04-11-2012 20:27