UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Picture of the workiong tables - 1st of January
02-01-2007 17:58

TABLE 6: Possession of land, agrarian destribution, recovered land, harassment. t
02-01-2007 17:36
The land belong to who works it, the fight for land and territories.Zanon (Argentina): The factory rocks
02-01-2007 16:38

The workers in the self-organised tile factory Zanon have something to celebrate: The temporary legal status of the factory, granted in 2001, was extended for three years this October. In what is fast becoming a tradition, they ended the year with a huge rock concert with 6000 guests.
Table 4 : The 'Other Communication, Art and Culture
02-01-2007 15:53
summary of the fourth working table, the 'other' communication.Zapatisa meeting with the perople of the world
02-01-2007 15:51
summary of the first work table on autonomous education at the meeting of Zapatista communities with the people of the world in Oventik, Chiapas, México.Demonstrate against First's latest bus fare rises
02-01-2007 15:34
Bus campaigners We Want Our Buses Back have organised a protest demonstration aginst First's latest fare rises. This takes place on Saturday 6th January assembling at 11am at City Hall for a march and rally.Asylum Seekers at Christmas
02-01-2007 11:05

American Leaders Promise More Pain
01-01-2007 13:05
US leaders ignore voters & reality. Violence is sure to follow.First Encounter Between the Zapatistas and the Peoples of World
01-01-2007 03:36
Informational Bulletin 02 on the Encounter between the Zapatistas and the Peoples of the WorldBulletin 02
Lancaster UAF's review of the year - 2006 in a nutshell
01-01-2007 01:12
We're off for a couple of days (again) so thought we'd leave you with a bit of reading material. :-)30 diciembre: Inicia Encuentro entre los Pueblos Zapatistas y los Pueblos del Mu
01-01-2007 00:12
combate suroriental, el comandante Felipe, del Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena (CCRI), del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, inauguró el Primer Encuentro Entre los Pueblos Zapatistas y los Pueblos del Mundo, con la asistencia de más de mil personas de 40 países del mundo y aproximadamente 2 mil bases de apoyo de la zona zapatista tzotzil.First Encounter of the Zapatista Communities with the Peoples of the World
31-12-2006 16:12

31-12-2006 15:07
INAUGURATION 30 December 2006EZLN "Intergalactic Encuentro" - pictures2
31-12-2006 01:30

EZLN "Intergalactic Encuentro" - pictures1
31-12-2006 01:07

The story of a Oaxacan movement prisoner
30-12-2006 14:46

Ipswich Reclaim the Night photos
30-12-2006 14:45

organised a Reclaim the Night event to remember them and to make the
statement that they would not be staying indoors, afraid.
21/12/06 - London Colombian Embassy Picket
30-12-2006 14:16

Thursday 21 December 2006: A letter was delivered to the Colombian Embassy expressing international concern at Student and Trade Union leaders yet again being targeted by death squads, this time the Aguilas Negras (Black Eagles), for daring to criticise Coca Cola, Nestlé and other private corporations.
Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle!
30-12-2006 12:08
For several months the town of Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican State of the same name, has been the center (of a movement) of important struggles which have undergone (or suffered) repeated attacks by the forces of repression (police, army and paramilitary) with many victims: at the end of November the toll was 22 dead and 34 disappeared.
Pictures from Chiapas
30-12-2006 08:57