UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Asylum Seekers Demonstrate on Tyneside as parliamentary committee issues report
31-03-2007 21:02

African reparations tribunal launches pledge drive
31-03-2007 19:40
Uhuru African Liberation Solidarity Campaign launches pledge drive to support the International Tribunal on Reparations for Afrikan PeopleFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Latest on police appeal against London's Critical Mass.
31-03-2007 03:45
What if the police win their appeal? Could it be the end of this Critical Mass, after 12 years of monthly rides, or the beginning of a strategic rebellion?Photos - Police, student protesters clash in Chilean capital
30-03-2007 16:23

The government said 159 students had been detained shortly after noon and some clashes continued.
12 April 2007: Day of action in support of imprisoned CO Halil Savda
30-03-2007 15:45

Halil Savda needs international support, to break the vicious cycle of imprisonment, "release", transfer to military barracks, being given a military order, disobedience, and imprisonment. But support will also be crucial to achieve the recognition of the right to conscientious objection in Turkey.
For these reasons, activists in Turkey and War Resisters' International call for an international day of action on 12 April 2007, in support of Halil Savda and all COs in Turkey.
Day of action against Bath Building demolition - report
30-03-2007 15:27
Yesterday saw a day of action against the demolition of Churchill House, one of Baths historic and beutiful buildings. In Bath councils latest step to further gentfify Bath, the georgian style Bath stone building is to be torn down to make way for a tin and glass monstrosity of a bus stop.African Student Leadership Conference coverage on Uhuru Radio
30-03-2007 13:24

Camberwell Squatted Centre holds it down!!!
30-03-2007 12:48

Best 2007 Activist's Information Source
30-03-2007 08:30
Seek & Yee Shall Find! Welcome To America's Best Activist Information Source Of 2007!Madrid: demonstration demanding a decent house
29-03-2007 21:55

Nottingham demo against deportations to Congo
29-03-2007 21:05

When the Wind Blows, the Cradle Will Rock
29-03-2007 20:04
In the windy isthmus of Oaxaca, the Spanish Company Iberdrola, together with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), is mid-way through a massive construction project of thousands of windmills on the lands of poor peasants. The company is clearly not only taking advantage of the winds of the region, but also of the poverty, lack of organization and the stronghold control of the PRI in that area.There is no tranquility in Oaxaca
29-03-2007 16:27
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca. Saturday, March 24, 20072:50 a.m.
4 anarkopunk comrades arrested and beaten*
UNITY at the Immigration Court
29-03-2007 13:04

29-03-2007 10:13
We are launching an urgent appeal for donations to the Uddhav Bhandari Appeal to return his body to Nepal so that his family can grieve properly and organise his funeral arrangements according to Nepalese culture.Spinning the truth - the BPP and the 'White Nationalist' (nazi) Forum
29-03-2007 04:55
More porkies than people...Nottingham (and Leicester) demos against deportations to Congo
28-03-2007 20:36

Occupation against academy in Brent
28-03-2007 20:00