UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Egyptian Revolution Derailed, Contained
01-08-2013 06:09
In a statement issued on July 27, 2013, US Secretary of State John Kerry grasped the fact that the Egyptian revolution has not yet run its course; “Its final verdict is not yet decided,” he saidJustice in the UK: back to the 1930s?
31-07-2013 09:45

Proposals to cut legal aid and judicial review in Britain will make it harder for people fighting for their rights to challenge the government's cuts agenda, and will remove one of the few lifelines to justice for asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented workers, says Kate Blagojevic.
Whose Streets? Cuadrilla's Streets!
31-07-2013 07:33

UK Coal going to keep it's promises
30-07-2013 14:57
Is the new version of UK Coal, UK Coal Production going to honour the promises that were entered into to enable it to mine coal? This press release gives details of the opencast sites which might not be fully restored should the Company renenge on its promises. In addition, it is suggested that promised community benefits are at risk as wellJobcentre Plus week of action: 5-9 August
29-07-2013 21:00

The Civil Service Rank & File Network is calling for action aimed at Jobcentre Plus in the week of the 5 August.
The government is trying to draw a dividing line between claimants and those in work as it attacks all of us. Nowhere is this more clear than at the Jobcentre, where low waged civil servants are expected to impose sanctions and enforce unpaid work schemes for unemployed people subsisting on benefits.
No Names, No Frack Drill
29-07-2013 20:43

Day 5 of Balcombe village's struggle against Frack Attack (Update)
Update - Day 5 - Monday 29th July - for continual updates head to
After a relatively quiet day on Sunday, today Monday, saw many vehicles arriving on site. Each delivery was met with heavy resistance. A heavily pregnant woman attempted to stop one of the trucks but was forced away as things got dodgy and dangerous. At the same time a man was arrested and brutally wrestled to the ground with a suspected broken arm.
For the rest of the afternoon more deliveries regularly turned up but only got through with police marching in front of each HGV and clashing with protesters attempting to stop them. A later delivery of office furniture saw a sit-down protest that resulted in a more significant delay and yet another arrest.
Perhaps as a sign of the struggle ahead the police have installed a mobile office on site and a casual conversation with one cop made it obvious that the police think they are there for the long haul. Some protesters thought it might pay to also set up a solicitor's office and branch of Infinity Foods alongside.
Occupy Firgrove: Destruction of the trees
26-07-2013 22:30

The planners lied, said the trees were in poor state of health. The trees had to go, as they showed the planners lied. Green space, the only green space in town, earmarked for destruction for an 80-bedroom Premier Inn hotel.
UG#656 - Secret Wars Of The CIA (A Classic Speech by John Stockwell)
26-07-2013 09:38

Homeless in Tower Hopeless Council estate
25-07-2013 15:17
With the 'debate' on whether to film Tower Hamlets Council Meetings assuming such importance that Labour Party Candidate for election to Executive Mayor of the Borough if Tower Hamlets has joined the fray, calling the 'debate' over filming 'silly'. It is John Biggs. He reckons that filming and recording of Council Meetings should take place without a row at all.Philippines - NDFP says UN report on use of child combatants by NPA ‘false, bias
25-07-2013 09:40

Occupy Firgrove call for hellp
24-07-2013 01:36

Rail Disaster in Canada : The law of Profit is the Criminal!
21-07-2013 14:45

The Future Isn’t Working
20-07-2013 13:56

And yet, at the same time, the imperative to work remains universal. Hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to participate in workfare schemes in return for their Jobseeker’s Allowance. And with the new Universal Credit system, it is proposed to extend this so-called ‘conditionality’ even further, with mandatory 35 hours a week job searches, monitored remotely by Universal Jobmatch software. Even the unemployed are compelled to ‘work’.
Where Am I To Go? London Roma Evicted
20-07-2013 09:38

Communiqué 1 – The Smart Casual Anarchist Federation
19-07-2013 20:55

We did not hide, we were proud, we attracted peoples attention with high visibility vests and before the schools released their pupils onto the path, we took action.
We cut back the trees and undergrowth around the street lights in the area around Clay Bottom so more light would reach the path during the night. So the cowards who choose to move in the shadows would no longer be able to hide there. To go some way to help members of our community see clearly in the dark and no longer be intimidated or feel afraid to be out at night in this area.
National Animal Rights Summer Gathering: 2nd-4th Aug 2013
19-07-2013 14:56

UG#654 - State Crimes Against Democracy (The Secret Government's War Of Terror)
19-07-2013 08:06

Rushcroft Road Eviction Resistance
18-07-2013 07:27

121 - Hackney Renters, ZAD - Klaxon Radio, 52 Commercial Road, DJ Al
16-07-2013 17:54
Episode 121 was broadcast on July 5th 2013 from LARC in London -
Egypt – State of Disinformation
16-07-2013 12:33
It seems to have become a conundrum for many, but it was obvious for some at least since last summer when Morsi compromised with the spies of the old regime. This sort of Islamic revolution would be very different from the one in Persia a generation ago, where Khomeini resisted that temptation, not as much as the death toll on the most revolutionary segments of the population is concerned, but in its fundamental architecture and outlook to the future. The current Persian regime, whatever one might think of it, was literally rebuilt from mud, but in Egypt it was the remainder of the old which served as the raw material for the new one, with the Islamic association being little more than the icing on the cake. This decoration has now been removed, and lacking an internal enemy the structural legacy of generations of imperialist meddling has come to the fore.