UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Urgent Help needed for victim of trafficking and child prostitution
11-04-2007 08:19

Manchester No2ID Events, April 2007
10-04-2007 22:43

Eight good reasons to block the G8
10-04-2007 20:28
An impressive number of groups in Germany and outside is currently preparing to effectively blockade the G8 summit this June. At least they will try to, they are, of course countered by a large police force that will try and stop them.
At various info-nights about these mobilisation efforts held in the Netherlands, you often hear people voicing doubts about the use of blockades. It is sometimes claimed that they be “useless”, “a ritual” and that “summits are only symbols”. Below you will find eight good reasons for taking part in the blockades and help making them successful.
Urgent response needed for [name removed as requested by subject]
10-04-2007 16:49
[Name removed as requested by subject] a national of Kenya and her husband were forced to leave Kenya in 1990 as her husband was Ugandan and at the time Ugandans were being persecuted in Kenya. [Name removed] and her husband fled to Swaziland. Unfortunately [name removed]'s husband passed away. The Swaziland Authorities started making life very difficult for [Name removed] to carry on working there. She left for the UK in 2003 hoping to be able to work and provide for herself.[PICTURE AND SAMPLE LETTERS REMOVED AS REQUESTED BY SUBJECT]
Fortnightly refuse collection
10-04-2007 15:07
Fortnightly refuse collections, aside from the implications for public health, are proving highly unpopular with local residents. The Council elections in May, provide the opportunity to kick out the arrogant councillors who are pushing fortnightly waste collection and putting at risk public health.The sling as the ultimate lightweight weapon
10-04-2007 12:52
The Sling is the only complete manual on this ancient weapon. It shows how to make slings and how to use them. Six different slinging techniques are taught in illustrated detail. You'll find information on ammunition (from stores to Molotov cocktails) and practical uses for the sling, including a section on modern guerrilla warfare.South Africa: Release the Kennedy 5
10-04-2007 10:11
The South African state is trying to smash the shackdwellers movement. They are highly militant and have done a lot of great things since they started about 2 years ago. Now 5 of the comrades are in prison on trumped up charges of murder. They stand to spend 2 years awaiting trial in one of the most horrible prisons in South Africa. If comrades in different countries could fax the South African embassies in your country, calling for the release of the Kennedy 5, this might help. Also, the committee has included an email address of someone in the unit that investigates the police (ICD) and are calling for emails to him."Cruel and Unusual Punishment" is a compilation CD
10-04-2007 05:13

Cafe Politique at the CommonPlace Thursday 12 April
09-04-2007 16:57
What is successful action?In the run-up to this year's G8 summit and Climate Camp (among other things), it seems timely to ask ourselves what we do (and why we do it), and how we can do it better. Affinity groups? Civil disobedience? Mass blockades? Street stalls and petitions? Demonstrations? Lobbying? And how does what we do relate to the sort of world we want? Can we create that world now? Where do social centres, like the CommonPlace, fit into this?
Ismet Hyseni - Back in the Wars
09-04-2007 12:39

Allotment under threat
09-04-2007 12:16
Situated in Hackney Wick, London an allotment is under threat of being concreted over for the OlympicsAnnouncing: FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts
09-04-2007 07:27

New hit song from The Meat Beetles
09-04-2007 04:26

Nottingham Spring into Action :: Bicycle power for electric generation
09-04-2007 01:03

At the Spray Building [the central venue] there are a number of examples of using bycycle power for electric generation. These picture show just a few methods of doing it.
Report on International Day of Action to Free the Cuban Five
08-04-2007 20:59

Protest against anti-Iranian movie in Birmingham
08-04-2007 18:40

Resources for International Day of Action against Climate Change & G8
08-04-2007 17:54

RAPAR ---Bringing People From Different Communities Together
08-04-2007 17:00

Oaxaca does not Surrender
08-04-2007 15:16
Is a film screening and discussion to invigorate London-based solidarity with the struggle in Oaxaca. With the participation of members of Bolivia Solidarity, Africa Solidarity and activists working with Oaxacans. The discussion will attemp to develop the links between different current struggles such as climate change, multi-national control over governments among others.Nottingham Spring into Action :: Big Sprout Day Out 2
08-04-2007 11:19