UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
MX-UK>Strengthening the Strategic Partnership
25-02-2007 23:41
On the occasion of the first visit by Felipe Calderón, as President of the United Mexican States, to the UK on 29 January 2007, Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Felipe Calderón make the following joint declarationFull article | 3 additions | 5 comments
Ginster pieman/Nottingham Uni bid for William Sharp city Academy
25-02-2007 22:38

East Oxford Social Club Threatened With Immediate Termination
25-02-2007 19:04
A small minority of Council members have acted unethically to terminate the East Oxford Social Club sometime this week."Camp Howard" - Australia's very own Guantanamo Bay on Christmas Island - Feb 20
25-02-2007 00:35

Save the NHS! Organise for Resistance!
24-02-2007 22:32

Action Mesothelioma Day 2007...
24-02-2007 21:41

The Forum of Asbestos Victims' Support Groups are working with other organisations and charities by marking the day with a series of public events throughout Britain.
To raise awareness of the the terminal cancer, a short film has been produced:
Mesothelioma- The Human Face of an Asbestos Epidemic...
Australia: David Hicks vs The Commonwealth: Back in Court
24-02-2007 20:56
Fossil fuel refusal, not business as usual - LRT Action Report
24-02-2007 19:34
London Rising Tide occupy office of ‘offset’ company Carbon NeutralGreece, Athens: Announcement for the events of the educational march (22/2/07)
24-02-2007 17:14
"the fight for a Public, Free and Social University will transform the fake dilemma of state or private University into the pragmatic and really essential dilemma: FREEDOM or CAPITALISM! ..."Nottingham's February Critical Mass and Bike About :: Piccys
24-02-2007 12:51

Fascists NOT WELCOME in Reading - or anywhere else! Demo report.
24-02-2007 00:18

New website allows protesters to air their thoughts
23-02-2007 23:02
A new website, allows protesters to air their thoughts on development, the environment, and politics.New service for budding volunteers
23-02-2007 22:56
Volunteering and gap years. A rip off, right? Why should we pay some filthy rich company to work for free on a project in a developing country? Can't we give them the money direct? Positive lobbying and active protesting!...Athens, Greece: 25,000 people march against the education reforms
23-02-2007 22:27
More than 25,000 people, got into the streets of Athens, as a response to the reform of the higher educationCritical Mass for freedom of movement
23-02-2007 19:15
There was a poor turn out for the February Critical Mass in Gothenburg but the day was not entirely lost.The APPO Comes Back Strong in Oaxaca
23-02-2007 17:41
The Teachers, Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society RegroupBy Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca
What do Oligarch Cherney, Lord Pearson of Rannoch and the UKIP have in common?
23-02-2007 16:43
Further to my last posting

and this

... this is madness! Criminal oligarch Cherney meeting with a senior member of the House of Lords to provide money for UKIP... why else would a Lord meet with a dubious Russian oligarch. How can this have gone unnoticed???
Axe the Bin Tax
23-02-2007 15:58
Councils are using recycling and waste reduction as an excuse to cut services. The latest scam about to hit households on top of fines and cuts in service is a 'pay-as-you-throw tax' or 'bin tax'.DR Congo is not safe - stop the 'Charter Flight'
23-02-2007 09:29
Emergency protest - Monday 26 February 1.00 -3.00pm.Home Office
2 Marsham Street
(nearest tubes: St James Park and Westminster)