UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
City of Frankfurt bans on Blockupy action days - thousands respond
08-05-2012 15:17
Blockupy Frankfurt are European action days taking place from May 16-19 in Frankfurt, Germany. The actions include the occupation of the Frankfurt financial district, a blockade of the ECB, and an international demonstration. Last week, the city of Frankfurt informed the broad coalition behind Blockupy that it would prohibit all planned protests. This ban can be understood in the context of the increasingly authoritarian government policies in response to crisis and accompanying denial of democratic rights.Banner drop at Egyptian embassy in London
06-05-2012 14:24

May Day in Berlin - It's Raining Rocks (Again)
06-05-2012 13:52
Twenty-five years after the original May Day riots in Kreuzberg, a ritualised confrontation with the police leaves the streets littered with cobblestones and broken glass.Say No to P&O
05-05-2012 12:01
Cruises are due to start and finish from the Pier Head as of June. This means that P&O cruises will be originating from Liverpool while paying only 75p per hour to most staff.
Spirit of May Day Flickers Back to Life
03-05-2012 10:07

May Day in the Philippines
03-05-2012 06:27

Take Back the Land! 12-18 July Douglas Valley action camp
02-05-2012 22:18

Updated Squatters Convergence Info - Brighton
02-05-2012 18:48

Coming soon!
Celebrate 40 years of Black Power media - tune in May 5-6 to Uhuru News live
02-05-2012 14:59

EUSKADI: A Call To Awakening
01-05-2012 15:14
A reflection upon the neccessary force to lead lives of strength and solidarity.Stand off in Santa Cruze ends with arrests
01-05-2012 08:02
Stand off in Santa Cruze ends with arrestsLondon Radical Events Listings
29-04-2012 11:34

successful and effective de blacklist amsterdam // stressfaktor berlin : - to draw together
as many of the political, academic and social activity of London’s (sometimes, often or by
definition) radical hubs into a single document to use at your disposal.
Canada supplied drones to Libyan rebels
28-04-2012 18:40
While the UN embargo was clearly aimed at preventing the delivery of weapons both to Gadhafi and those fighting him, NATO looked the other way when it came to the rebels. Hundreds of tonnes of ammunition and arms breezed through the blockade, exposing what critics say was Canada and NATO’s real motive during the Libyan war — regime change under the guise of protecting civilians.Catholic Priest living rent free as Anglican Community member
28-04-2012 10:34
A Brother in an Anglican Religious Community who has converted to Roman Catholicism continues to remain a brother in that Anglican Community and to live completely rent free in property bought for him and owned by that Community, despite being now a working member of a church which rejects Anglican beliefs and despite the Anglican community being in financial difficulties.What is food sovereignty?
27-04-2012 07:49
Our current political system chooses to deal with world hunger through the model of “food security”, arguing that there is not enough food to go around and that we need techno-fixes to solve this. This approach ignores the fact that there is a global food surplus – many people just can’t afford to buy food. This problem is being amplified by land grabs- communities that used to grow food for themselves are being forced out of their ancestral homes, often by corporations expanding cash crop production.Government terminates contract with Addison Lee
27-04-2012 01:09
The UK Government is terminating its contract with Addison Lee, the minicab company which has donated 250,000 pounds to the Conservative Party.campaign in support of political prisoners
26-04-2012 17:11
Declaration in support of the “WEEK OF GLOBAL STRUGGLE FOR THE LIBERATION OF PATISHTÁN AND SÁNTIZ LÓPEZ: BRINGING DOWN THE PRISON WALLS”Non Violent Civil Disobedience in the 21st Century
26-04-2012 10:44
In recent years, the activities of UKUncut, the Occupy Movement, the student movement and the forthcoming Olympics protests can be counted as a resurgence of non-violent civil disobedience, as a means of highlighting social issues in the UK. Today’s article examines the key criticisms levelled at proponents of non violent civil disobedience and puts forward the case that their asking is the path to success rather than the obstacle.St.andrews Mayday Extravaganza!
23-04-2012 12:49

Daily Mail openly supporting Fascism
21-04-2012 20:01