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London Radical Events Listings

BLACKLIST | 29.04.2012 11:34 | Free Spaces | Other Press | Social Struggles

you are reading the first blacklist london. Its objective is simple and stems from the
successful and effective de blacklist amsterdam // stressfaktor berlin : - to draw together
as many of the political, academic and social activity of London’s (sometimes, often or by
definition) radical hubs into a single document to use at your disposal.

you are reading the first blacklist london. Its objective is simple and stems from the
successful and effective de blacklist amsterdam // stressfaktor berlin : - to draw together
as many of the political, academic and social activity of London’s (sometimes, often or by
definition) radical hubs into a single document to use at your disposal. You can print it
as an A5 Booklet from this pdf (if the Blacklist obtains the means to print and distribute
itself it will) or keep it open in your tabs to refer back to as the month progresses.
Hopefully it will, over time, become less of a newly-formed informative aquaintance and
more of a close, essential and informative comrade.
Struggles can be strengthened when they form part of a network. There is a need for the
radical nexus of London to organise, unify and solidify its actions to help express itself
coherently, further than single-squat text-trees and activist-mouth-to-activist-mouth.
Though limited to the email addresses it can contact and those who view it on wordpress,
hopefully the Blacklist will be forwarded and spread outside of intimate, pre-established
circles to build on attendance to and affinity with its contents.
Submissions, feedback or suggestions would be welcome,

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