Banner drop at Egyptian embassy in London
egypt solidarity | 06.05.2012 14:24 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles
In response to a call for solidarity from egypt with the 600 + detainees and the 20 + killed by SCAF (military) in the latest round of repression in Cairo, activists dropped a banner on the 6th of May 2012 outside the Egyptian Embassy in London. The banner reads: Free the Prisoners, Down with the military rule.
Activists unfurled a banner saying “Free the prisoners - Down with military rule!” outside the
Egyptian Embassy in London earlier today (Sunday). The banner drop was in solidarity with
those resisting the brutal repression of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) in
SCAF has brutally attacked and detained hundreds of activists taking part in a sit-in outside
the Ministry of Defence, protesting against military rule. Over the past five days 20-30
activists have been reported dead as the military have used live ammunition, birdshots,
rubber bullets and tear gas aided by paid CSF thugs throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails to
attack protesters.
Hundreds have been arrested at the sit-in and hundreds more from the nearby mosque
and field hospital, with dozens critically injured and ICU patients currently in Military prison.
In total, around 400 people were arrested on Friday night as the military accelerated their
repression of dissent.
There was a solidarity stand outside the military headquarters (C28) on Saturday at noon
where protesters were being held by the military. The army indiscriminately opened fire on
journalists, lawyers, youths and families of the detained and another 50 or so people were
arrested with another 100 injuries. In total, approximately 20 journalists have been detained,
with tens more assaulted and injured.
Many students and leaders of the student movement are currently in military custody. On
Saturday night the military released some of those arrested and detained 320 for a further 15
days pending investigation – most of which are likely to face military trials.
Ragia Omran, lead lawyer at the Front to Defend Egypt’s Protesters, was quoted as
saying: “This is the worst military assault on protesters since the fall of Mubarak, in terms of
force used and numbers arrested. Military has now set a curfew from 11pm to 7am.”
As concerned and conscientious citizens standing in solidarity with the ongoing struggles in
the Middle-East, we call for the following:
SCAF to recognise and respect the right to protest, including the right to strike
The British and other governments to cease exporting crowd control arms to the
Egyptian regime with immediate effect
An end to military trials for civilians
follow the link below fpr video of the banner drop
Egyptian Embassy in London earlier today (Sunday). The banner drop was in solidarity with
those resisting the brutal repression of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) in
SCAF has brutally attacked and detained hundreds of activists taking part in a sit-in outside
the Ministry of Defence, protesting against military rule. Over the past five days 20-30
activists have been reported dead as the military have used live ammunition, birdshots,
rubber bullets and tear gas aided by paid CSF thugs throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails to
attack protesters.
Hundreds have been arrested at the sit-in and hundreds more from the nearby mosque
and field hospital, with dozens critically injured and ICU patients currently in Military prison.
In total, around 400 people were arrested on Friday night as the military accelerated their
repression of dissent.
There was a solidarity stand outside the military headquarters (C28) on Saturday at noon
where protesters were being held by the military. The army indiscriminately opened fire on
journalists, lawyers, youths and families of the detained and another 50 or so people were
arrested with another 100 injuries. In total, approximately 20 journalists have been detained,
with tens more assaulted and injured.
Many students and leaders of the student movement are currently in military custody. On
Saturday night the military released some of those arrested and detained 320 for a further 15
days pending investigation – most of which are likely to face military trials.
Ragia Omran, lead lawyer at the Front to Defend Egypt’s Protesters, was quoted as
saying: “This is the worst military assault on protesters since the fall of Mubarak, in terms of
force used and numbers arrested. Military has now set a curfew from 11pm to 7am.”
As concerned and conscientious citizens standing in solidarity with the ongoing struggles in
the Middle-East, we call for the following:
SCAF to recognise and respect the right to protest, including the right to strike
The British and other governments to cease exporting crowd control arms to the
Egyptian regime with immediate effect
An end to military trials for civilians
follow the link below fpr video of the banner drop

egypt solidarity