UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Defend the Harmondsworth 4!
03-11-2007 10:15
In January four detainees will go on trial charged with criminal damage following riots in Harmondsworth in November 2006. There is a public meeting in London on Tuesday 13th November to discuss how we can support the four before, during and after the trial.Remembering Rooley Moor’s “Cotton Famine Road”
03-11-2007 08:59

Ongoing research by Ding Quarry protestors is confirming the historic importance of the upper sections Rooley Moor Road above the Spodden Valley, known for generations as the “Cotton Road” or “Cotton Famine Road”.
The Crooked Irish Residential Institutions Redress Board
03-11-2007 01:52
It encourages unscrupulous people to lie and give false statement against unsuspecting innocent people.Solicitors,Barristers and the Judiciary are adversely involved,and knowingly work with a system that is fundamentally flawed and in breech of National and International Human and Civil Rights.
demonstaration against Camden Danger Lab
02-11-2007 23:45
A mixture of groups have organised ademo at Camden Town Hall against a "danger lab" to be built in Camden!!5th November Camden Town Hall Judd St London WC1
Forum: 90 years since the Russian Revolution
02-11-2007 21:40
Spartacist League Forum90 years since the Russian Revolution
How the Bolsheviks led the working class to power
We fight for new October Revolutions!
2 pm, Saturday 3 November
Room 2C, University of London Union
Malet Street, London WC1
Nearest Tube: Russell Square or Goodge Street
For details phone: 020 7281 5504

Corporate Kingdoms Invited To Blow Job – Crest Nicholson Evicted Boat Family
02-11-2007 16:54

Justice for Cleaners Halloween demo.
02-11-2007 16:40

United Friends and Family March 2007
02-11-2007 16:03

Upon arriving at Downing Street the silent procession became a noisy explosion of anger led by Janet Alder whose brother Christopher suffocated on the floor of Hull Police station, while officers made fun of him. The Police attempted to enforce the SOCPA ban on megaphones. So Pauline Campbell took hold of the mic to remind them that she had been arrested 14 times and that previous attempts to prosecute her had failed dismally. The megaphone remained in use for the rest of the event.
After finishing at Downing street the march then proceeded to Parliament square for more speeches. The march was briefly held up by a particularly inept Police motorcyclist who parked his bike in front of the banner leading the procession. He was quickly surrounded by furious protesters and had to be removed from the melee by his colleagues. Deliberate disrespect, or just inept?
Scrap CrossRail hole plot - latest demands to UK Parliament
02-11-2007 12:44
Next week's scheduled announcement in the UK Houses of Parliament of the parliamentary/legislative programme ‘[called 'the Queen’s Speech'] is expected to include the current CrossRail Bill as a carry -over from the last session of parliament for it to be given further approval in the next session. The CURRENT CrossRail hole Bill-promoting minister at the UK Department for Transport Tom Harris has already been put on notice that he was out of order to have tried to pre-exempt and to curb serious scrutiny of the Bill in the Upper Chamber [House of Lords] Khoodeelaar! today publishes the texts of the summary of the latest demands for the scrapping of the Bill, not just for its scrutiny.The Fargate Speaker- Autumn Edition online
02-11-2007 12:08

Durham Working Class Bookfair goes ahead on Nov 3rd
02-11-2007 09:41
Despite venue problems we are determined to press ahead with this event, which will be established in the annual political calendar in the North EastFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Protest shackles Total Oil petrol station
02-11-2007 00:43

Protest at Camden Town Hall re : Danger Lab [To be built] 5th November 6.30
01-11-2007 06:52
Protest against "The world's largest virus containment facility /animal testing lab"to be built in Camden - on Somers Town Council Estate.The protest is Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, Camden, London WC1.
Monday November 5th 6.30pm
MI5 leaked the news to the Evening Standard newspaper amid security concerns when the NIMR / MRC bid for the land and also when they bought land on Hampstead Road where work has already started......
Protest against "world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment lab
01-11-2007 06:34
The protest is against the sale of govt land to the NIMR / MRC - in order to build the world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment facility. The site is at Brill Place, Camden - London, on a council house estate & very close to Kings Cross / Channel Tunnel link. MI5 leaked the news amid security concerns.Protest at Camden Town Hall - Judd Street - {off of Euston Road}. Camden London WC1 - 5th November 6.30pm
30/10/2007: London Mexican Embassy Protest, The World is STILL Watching
31-10-2007 19:54

Findings from Housing4All meeting with BCC: demo to follow, Fri Nov 9th
31-10-2007 13:03
Information gained from Housing4All's meeting with representatives of Birmingham City Council's housing department: demonstration in Victoria Square to demand accessible housing for all on Friday, November 9th from 1pmLSE Students Occupy Board Meeting in Protest at Director's "Pro-Israeli" Stance
31-10-2007 12:26

UNISON back down despite vote for strike action
31-10-2007 08:27
Despite zero concessions from employers and a vote in favour of strikes, public sector union UNISON have backed down from announcing strike action over an across the board pay cut (also known as a below inflation "pay rise").Crushing Defeat of US blockade of Cuba at UN General Assembly!
30-10-2007 23:21

Meltem Avcil, aged 14, refused bail four times, self-harms in Yarl's Wood IRC
30-10-2007 19:43