UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Food not Bombs in Gdansk / Poland
12-01-2004 10:42

Support Manchester's Striking Electricians
11-01-2004 16:22
5th Febuary 7:30pm Friends Meeting House (Mount St by the central library)Strike Spotting UK 25/12/03 - 10/01/04
11-01-2004 15:14
Summary of Strikes in the UK - For Proletarian Self-EmancipationDissent! A Network of Resistance Against the G8: National Gathering in Brighton
11-01-2004 12:04
National Gathering @Brighton, Feb 7-8Empire strikes out
10-01-2004 18:50
First publicated on the trotskyist review Marxism Alive 6TO STOP FEES, STOP TRIDENT
10-01-2004 16:25
Trident costs 1.5 billion squid a year. that could pay for every student in the UK to go to Uni for free. In other words, Blair reckons plotting genocide is more important than my education and the education of students everywhere. Tell your MP to vote NO to FEES, (use where it takes 2 secs) and to tell Blair and Clarke they've got their priorities wrong. To Stop Fees, Stop Trident.movement of the imagination at the ESF 2003
09-01-2004 15:33

who's space? our space...the world is not for sale
19th day of hunger strike in London
09-01-2004 15:02
This is a press release dated January 9, 2004 concerning a hunger strike taking place in Seven Sisters, London. It is in opposition to prison repression in Turkey. The press release also contains details of a knife attack by racists on one of the hunger strikers.Palestine: HISTORY and LAND THEFT in DEIR BALLUT
09-01-2004 07:46
Deir Ballut is an extremely fertile area, with large tracts of waterlogged land being used as the main growth area for summer crops for the entire Salfit region.ANTHANY DAWSON FACT SHEET - Rose Henry August 2002
09-01-2004 06:51

Rank-and-File Movement Wins Election in SEIU Union Local 36
09-01-2004 03:05

On December 13, members of Local 36 of the 1.6 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest in the AFL-CIO and originator of the national "Justice for Janitors" campaign, elected a new president, secretary-treasurer and 23 Executive Board members. This came in the 18th month of a national SEIU trusteeship over Local 36, which represents over 4,300 janitors, building maintenance workers, technicians and professionals in Philadelphia and its suburbs in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
EZLN 10 Years After, The Struggle Continues
08-01-2004 22:01

1st January 2004 marks 10 Years since the EZLN's uprising in Chiapas (Mexico's south east), and 20 years of modern Zapatismo.
Repression Against Migrant Workers Union in South Korea
08-01-2004 04:13

Preemptive Crowd Control: Why Are Some Protesters Treated So Differently By Police
07-01-2004 18:56

Anarchist Federation National Secretary on letter bombing campaign
07-01-2004 18:52
A statement from the National Secretary of the Anarchist Federation (IAF/IFA) on the recent letter bombing campaign and it's attribution to Italian anarchists.Justice in the 21st C. Law Conf. 7-8 Feb.Canterbury.
07-01-2004 16:52
Critical Lawyers group Conference in Canterbury(UKC) in February. 7-8th.News Round-Up From British Occupied Basra
06-01-2004 22:22
This is a round up of the past few weeks (troops on high alert, 2 massive carbombs planted at the 'mouth' of Basra town, unemployed riots and the head of education in Basra declaring himself King, sorta) but today there was a pretty serious riot with 10 people shot - by Iraqi paramilitary plod and one demonstrator at least shot in the head and killed. The demo - 1500-2000 strong was made up of ex-soldiers fulfilling their promise to escalate their struggle for survival payments from the occupation Administration. Full report on this later.KEN LOACH FILM SHOWING AND Q&A FOR NO SWEAT AND MEXICAN TRADE UNIONISTS
06-01-2004 18:52
Ken Loach will be introducing a special showing of Bread and Roses on Thu Jan 22, 6.30-9 at the Other Cinema, Rupert St W1 (just off Leicester Sq).