UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Simon Kirby mp covers up Sussex Police Corruption
13-11-2011 13:08
Simon Kirby mp covers up Sussex Police Corruption. Simon Kirby mp said he would help a 76 year old man who is very sick who expose a major case of Police CorruptionHunger Strike By Young Activist
12-11-2011 15:34
Animal Rights Activist Edmund Maile goes on Hunger Strike.Neo fascists in the new Greek Goverment
12-11-2011 06:08

Remember, remember, the fifth of November…
11-11-2011 11:54
On 5th November people from Occupy Birmingham protested outside RBS and Natwest. Below is the content of one of the flyers handed out at the protest.After Nov 9: Where do we go from here?
11-11-2011 10:45
![Front of Student March - rikkiindymedia[at]](/icon/2011/11/488374.jpg)
From the reports we’ve heard so far, the electrician’s action was pretty lively with roads being blocked for a while but the cops soon moved in with the result that the sparks ended up being kettled. You have to go back a long way to remember the last time plod took action against striking workers in this way. What is happening with the sparks action is having a resonance by word of mouth with other construction workers as doubtless they potentially face the shafting the electricians are confronting. We passed a few construction sites yesterday and the march was definitely getting the thumbs up from the builders watching us pass by. What is frustrating and quite scary is the almost total media blackout of the sparks dispute. The journalists are aware this dispute is going on but it’s hard to escape the suspicion that pressure is being applied from high up to keep this story under wraps.
Callout for a Solidarity Action – International Day to Defend the Egyptian Revol
10-11-2011 12:51
Saturday 12/11/11, 3pm St Paul’sOccupy London is calling for ‘A tour of shame’ on the 12th of November, starting at St Pauls at 3pm, as it is the International Day to defend the Egyptian Revolution. We will be touring central London, visiting 3 of the 6 Arms Dealers who accompanied Cameron to Cairo in February, in order to strike an arms deal with the Egyptian Army.
London Demonstrators Defy Police Intimidation
09-11-2011 10:54

Early morning electricians demo around the City of London
09-11-2011 10:04

IWW London Guildhall Cleaner's Solidarity protest in Birmingham
08-11-2011 18:57

Facing Up To Mike Weatherley's Fearsome Gauntlet
08-11-2011 13:03
I take your gauntlet and use it to apply a slap across your filthy chops, Mike.Tightening the Noose: The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program
08-11-2011 00:20

On the diplomatic front, the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is about to release its latest report on Iran's nuclear program, a program Iran insists is solely designed to produce electricity and not atomic or nuclear weapons, as is claimed by the United States and other Western powers.
According to a Nov. 6 story by the Reuters news agency, the report is tentatively scheduled to be submitted to IAEA member states on Nov. 9. That report “is expected to give fresh evidence of research and other activities with little other application than atomic bomb-making, including studies linked to the development of an atom bomb trigger and computer modeling of a nuclear weapon.”
Such “evidence” would give the U.S. ammunition to pressure the U.N Security Council to impose a fifth round of economic sanctions against Iran, or even help justify a military attack by Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom or all three countries, all of which have developed contingency plans for just such an attack.
Chaos in The Countryside
07-11-2011 23:54
A week after falsely blaming hunt saboteurs for the death of one of their hounds, the attached video shows the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt casually risking the lives of their houndsIn The Mirror - Three women, three stories, from the Chinese diaspora
07-11-2011 16:08

17th of December - Access all areas
07-11-2011 15:54
The war on squatters
06-11-2011 20:59
What we are seeing is a well-orchestrated clampdown on alternative culture. Again. By the Tories. Again.We need to keep our eyes peeled.
The Wind in the Trees
06-11-2011 16:25
This is a message to the revolutionaries on Tahrir Square from a rainbow warrior in Europe. You might doubt whether there is something useful to say from that position, but so did I before I found myself in the middle of the struggle for the freedom of our hearts and minds. You might also question whether there is anything worth to be squeezed through the prisoner dilemma that is between all of us, but so did we before we took up our last battle against the regimes we had found in our lives. Please take the time to listen to a few words from the deep woods – because as the old poem goes, after the oppressors have spoken the oppressed are going to speak.Kingston Crown Court Sentences, Nov 4th Report
06-11-2011 10:44
Friday 4th November saw eleven protesters in Kingston Crown Court for sentencing relating to the Millbank protest of November last year, the Whitehall protest, the final anti-fees protest and from the TUC protest of March this year. Of those that received custodial sentences – all for violent disorder – the length of sentence ranged from 10 months to 18 months, with the majority 12 months or over. When sentencing, the two judges – in the morning Nicholas Price QC and the afternoon Susan Tipping QC – made it clear that even where it was clear that what the protesters had supposedly done was not very serious, the context of the public order situation, combined with the desire to deter and warn future protesters was what was really at stake in the severity of the charges and sentencing.Statement in solidarity with political prisoners on hunger strike in Chiapas
06-11-2011 09:02
There is now grave concern for the health of a group of indigenous people who are on hunger strike and fast in prisons in Chiapas, SE Mexico. They believe they are innocent, and their convictions false!!!This land is ours!!! A tale of land theft through violence and laws
05-11-2011 23:32

Violence against sabs
05-11-2011 21:49

New Hunt season, more violence against hunt saboteurs