UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Germany: demonstration: Carlo Giuliani 2001 - 2011
18-07-2011 17:45


a unique opportunity for filmakers.....don't miss it
18-07-2011 15:11
genocide in west papua has escaped the world's together with us to rise awareness to the world.....we have a lot of footage shot that needs to be made into a filmSome "Fortnum and Mason protest charges dropped by CPS": BBC
18-07-2011 15:07
Free the other 30!Action Alert! Stop the prosecution of Sheila Farmer. Safety must be the priority
18-07-2011 14:08
Sheila Farmer is being put on trial for brothel-keeping on Monday 5 September at Croydon Crown Court. Please can you urgently write to stop the prosecutionto the addresses below.
A Memorandum to the President of the Philippines
18-07-2011 10:42

FROM : Your boss, the Filipino people
SUBJECT : Your job evaluation and our recommendation
Fictional Genital Wart More Popular Than EDL
17-07-2011 14:56
The English Defence League claim to have more members than the Liberal Democrats. But there is a new virus in town. The Genital Wart. In just under 54 hours the Genital Wart gained the same amount of members the EDL reached in 12 months.Photos from the Cambridge Abortion Rights Demo 16 July 2011
17-07-2011 14:47

UG#559 - Famine, The Fruit of Disconnection (Jailing Gardeners, Raw Milk & Soil)
17-07-2011 02:38

Thousands of prisoners on hunger strike in the U.S. for 3rd week
16-07-2011 11:21
protests spreading in solidarity with prisoners in California and the mass hunger strike entering its third weekCall-Out To Defend Social Centre Squat In Birmingham Against Asda
15-07-2011 21:49
Autonomous activists based in Birmingham are currently facing an injunction and eventual eviction for a local squat that was being prepared for a community centre.Only having just moved into it eartoday, the landlord and police are already threatening the squatters and activists with an injunction for eviction, so that the building can be demolished and the land taken over to build a local ASDA supermarket store.
Chile - Valparaiso: anarchist demo for free education
15-07-2011 15:37

Calais: three No Borders comrades acquitted
13-07-2011 12:14

Mass Arrestees during eviction in Amsterdam
13-07-2011 10:41
On tuesday 5th of July there were mass arrestees during the eviction wave in Amsterdam with 143 people being arrestedThousands turn out against EDL in Cambridge. Part 2
12-07-2011 19:56

Thousands turn out against EDL in Cambridge. Part 1
12-07-2011 19:31

The EDL, who despite most of them having commuted into the town for their own demo on the same day, claimed to speak on behalf of the people of Cambridge by raising objections to plans to build a Mosque and Community Centre at the far end of Mill Road, to replace the smaller overcrowded one on Mawson Road.
Anonymous Hacktivists Leak 90,000 US Military Emails
12-07-2011 09:56

Murdoch Empire and Tax Avoidance in UK
11-07-2011 13:16
Adding more fuel into the rising cesspool of the UK's political classes - politicians and powermongers of the main news media conglomerates, is, of course, Murdoch's non-payment and active avoidance of millions of pounds worth of tax. Squaring the growing total crisis of legitimacy of the ruling regime with the current financial crisis and the vast and unfair programme of cuts might make political sense right now.Have you ever squatted the heart of the beast?
10-07-2011 18:24
In the past couple of days, a group of people in Vienna, fed up of the increasing daily repression of life and the lack of free social space, have taken over an abandoned building in the Ottakring part of the city.Our swoop cometh! Glos eco-village meeting list.
10-07-2011 15:22
The next Gloucestershire eco-village meeting list... Get in touch now, if you'd like to have a more "active" role on the day!Deaths from Self-Harm in immigration detention, murder, undetermined
09-07-2011 12:14
Remember the dead - Justice for the Living - End Immigration Detention Now