Our swoop cometh! Glos eco-village meeting list.
Apok | 10.07.2011 15:22 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
The next Gloucestershire eco-village meeting list... Get in touch now, if you'd like to have a more "active" role on the day!
Greetings all,
The beginning is nigh...
Hopefully this will be the last meeting list, so the next thing you'll hear from us will be the swoop info.. anyone wanting to help out with the swoop, on the day- please get in contact now... Otherwise you'll only be given short notice as to the date/location etc...
We could do with a few more people on the ground, with a knowledge of the area to help out on the day- So get in touch if you wouldn't mind helping to guide people in, and with some of the organisational aspects on the day and shortly before the swoop.
I'll need some help getting the message out a few days before- spreading the news through activist networks/list and via SM...
Wednesday 13th Gloucester @ 1:30pm, Meet in Gloucester City, pub or park!
Web 13th... Forest of Dean @ 3pm - Off to the Forest of Dean for a forage-about and nature walk. We'll try to spot some Deer, or Wildboar, as we discuss the project.
Saturday 16th Gloucester City @ 1:30pm - A continuation of last months guerilla gardening [see
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/06/480854.html ] weather permitting- if not, we'll go to a park or pub for the meeting.
Wednesday 20th West London, various sites @ times tba - Networking with other eco-villages, recruiting some extra hands for the day. Core groups members, wanting to move over shortly before the swoop of the main site- will have the opportunity to do so then. These people will then be able to help other members of the core group, with any geographic/logistical questions that arise on the day. (it is easy to get lost, round 'ere)
Get in touch for further details, and contact info...
Other news...
Radical Artists call-out... Any artists/ painters/ decorators/ spray-painters/ Art teachers wanting to take the class out and do something exciting/ any other creatively minded people at all, wanting to help turn an ugly, unloved space into a vibrant and beautiful freespace, WE NEED YOUR HELP. Email the address given with "radical artist here" (or something similar) in your emails title, and come down to help us bring some color to an otherwise dreary area.
A plan to join forces with some of the more active woodland protection campaigners around Gloucestershire is currently being worked on. Anyone networked with local or national wildlife protection groups, forest conservation activists -not of the armchair variety- or any other radical tree-top-camper, please put me in touch with them regarding an opportunity to protect an area of mixed/native woodland from further felling.
I've started setting up a social media type website to allow people already involved, or interested in this project and others similar in nature, to communicate, share knowledge, network and collaborate on projects -it'll have a forum, media/file sharing, wiki, subgroups/ friends features. I'm looking for anyone interested in helping out with this, I've got everything I need bar enough time to get a workable beta up-and-running any-time close to the swoop, so if you'd like to get involved -as much, or as little as you can- drop me an email.
Peace and Love,
admin [AT]] apokaluptein [dot]] org [dot]] uk
The beginning is nigh...
Hopefully this will be the last meeting list, so the next thing you'll hear from us will be the swoop info.. anyone wanting to help out with the swoop, on the day- please get in contact now... Otherwise you'll only be given short notice as to the date/location etc...
We could do with a few more people on the ground, with a knowledge of the area to help out on the day- So get in touch if you wouldn't mind helping to guide people in, and with some of the organisational aspects on the day and shortly before the swoop.
I'll need some help getting the message out a few days before- spreading the news through activist networks/list and via SM...
Wednesday 13th Gloucester @ 1:30pm, Meet in Gloucester City, pub or park!
Web 13th... Forest of Dean @ 3pm - Off to the Forest of Dean for a forage-about and nature walk. We'll try to spot some Deer, or Wildboar, as we discuss the project.
Saturday 16th Gloucester City @ 1:30pm - A continuation of last months guerilla gardening [see

Wednesday 20th West London, various sites @ times tba - Networking with other eco-villages, recruiting some extra hands for the day. Core groups members, wanting to move over shortly before the swoop of the main site- will have the opportunity to do so then. These people will then be able to help other members of the core group, with any geographic/logistical questions that arise on the day. (it is easy to get lost, round 'ere)
Get in touch for further details, and contact info...
Other news...
Radical Artists call-out... Any artists/ painters/ decorators/ spray-painters/ Art teachers wanting to take the class out and do something exciting/ any other creatively minded people at all, wanting to help turn an ugly, unloved space into a vibrant and beautiful freespace, WE NEED YOUR HELP. Email the address given with "radical artist here" (or something similar) in your emails title, and come down to help us bring some color to an otherwise dreary area.
A plan to join forces with some of the more active woodland protection campaigners around Gloucestershire is currently being worked on. Anyone networked with local or national wildlife protection groups, forest conservation activists -not of the armchair variety- or any other radical tree-top-camper, please put me in touch with them regarding an opportunity to protect an area of mixed/native woodland from further felling.
I've started setting up a social media type website to allow people already involved, or interested in this project and others similar in nature, to communicate, share knowledge, network and collaborate on projects -it'll have a forum, media/file sharing, wiki, subgroups/ friends features. I'm looking for anyone interested in helping out with this, I've got everything I need bar enough time to get a workable beta up-and-running any-time close to the swoop, so if you'd like to get involved -as much, or as little as you can- drop me an email.
Peace and Love,
admin [AT]] apokaluptein [dot]] org [dot]] uk
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