UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Reluctant Heinz Strikers Accept De Facto Wage Cut
19-01-2011 12:33

Attack in Bristol for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
18-01-2011 12:53
In the early morning of 17 January, two telecommunications utilities vehicles, of British Telecom, were set on fire in Bristol.Defend Dale Farm! Help resist Ethnic Cleansing
18-01-2011 10:46
7pm Wednesday 19th Januaryat Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London WC1 8TN
Dale Farm is the last major surviving Traveller site in Essex, following a series of brutal evictions elsewhere over the years. There are around 1000 residents altogether. Those now facing eviction (yet again) since they took over a scrap yard next door to a long established legal site. The local Council is determined to drive all the Travellers out of the area. This is what they did recently when they evicted Hovefield, hounding families relentlessly until they were gone. They have promised to clear Dale Farm before the next Council elections.
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Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements.
18-01-2011 00:14

please flag up any mistakes and we will up date in 24 hours or so. We still need more factual information about their activities. The purpose of this post/thread is to create as clear a picture of the infiltrators as possible for activists worldwide.
If you wish to post about the bourgeois press then please post here.

US Knew Tunisian Gov. Rotten Corrupt
17-01-2011 22:58

Trees to be felled on Midsummer Common despite locals' opposition.
17-01-2011 20:51

Trees are being felled, despite minimal public consultation and local residents' very visible opposition, and yet we are supposed to believe this is Cambridge City Council acting democractically.
Rising Tide 7 - Australia
17-01-2011 20:06
Background - Seven Australian Rising Tide activists are being pursued by Port Waratah Coal Services, which is made up of Rio Tinto and Xstrata, for US$525,000 in "victim's compensation" as a result of a non-violent blockade of the world's largest coal port on September 26 last year. For full details visit -
Silent Protest in Cambridge by Academics.
17-01-2011 16:05

Many of them were university academics, who symbolically turned up in their black robes to represent the wider body of higher education tutors, whom are affected by the government's cuts to higher education funding.
PARIS FRANCE infiltration information
17-01-2011 13:14
This was published as comment on 15th janWe republish here and will follow with a reply
Past Is Present: Settler Colonialism In Palestine
17-01-2011 09:57
For over a century, Zionism has subjected Palestine and Palestinians to a structural and violent form of destruction, dispossession, land appropriation, and erasure in the pursuit of a new colonial Israeli society. Too often, this Palestine ‘Question’ has been framed as unique; a national, religious, and/or liberation struggle with little semblance to colonial conflicts elsewhere.Wood Group PLC to build power plant in Israel
17-01-2011 09:22
Aberdeen’s favorite son who, not being content with destroying the city goes into business with Israel.Updates on Donald Trumps vision for a "Real life Trumpton" and how he will force local fire brigade personnel to change their names to "Pugh! Pugh! Barney McGrew! Cuthbert! Dibble! and Grubb!" And other songs of doom from way up North...
Preston Against Cuts: 100 rally on Flagmarket
16-01-2011 23:41
100 people rallied against the Condem coalition cuts on Preston Flagmarket yesterday. 'This could be the start of something big'Callout for Operation Dual Power/March 26 Direct Action planning
16-01-2011 22:43

Against Civilization
16-01-2011 19:42

Kennedy and Nick Stern
16-01-2011 18:11
Who is Nick Stern? He holds the copyright of a picture taken when Kennedy was undercover and also the recent pictures where he looks a bit more like a copper.Contact details for the NPOIU
16-01-2011 17:06
Am putting this up as there is a lot of interest in the NPOIU.This information is from 2002.
Tunisia: 23 years of autocratic rule
16-01-2011 14:28

Mark Kennedy is planning to sue the state
16-01-2011 11:19
Sources close to exposed undercover police officer PC Mark Stone have revealed that he is currently laying the ground work to bring a case against his former employers for neglecting their duty of care towards his mental and physical wellbeing.Mark Stone gives his first interview to the Mail on Sunday
15-01-2011 23:05

The Case to Close Temple Cowley Pools is Crumbling...
15-01-2011 22:03
We are getting more and more information, mostly forcing it out of the council via Freedom of Information requests, that refutes all the arguments they have used to push forward with their scheme to close TCP.