Callout for Operation Dual Power/March 26 Direct Action planning
Meltdown | 16.01.2011 22:43 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
The TUC are calling a huge "March for the Alternative" for March 26th. But what is their alternative? If you want to be heard rather than hearded that day, then join thousand of people in reclaiming national and local government buildings, media, banks, courts, police stations, and libraries, and turning them into People's Assemblies. An interactive direct action target map will be widely circulated before and on the day. Be part of the planning process. Join us on January 23rd in London.
Callout for Operation Dual Power/March 26 Direct Action planning
Reconvene Sun Jan 23, 3 to 6 p.m. prompt start please
St Martin’s Community Centre, 43 Carol St NW1 0HT
close to Camden Town tube,
Operation Dual Power was launched on Jan 8th and 9th with the intention of
a) Maximally stretching police resources on the day of March 26, the TUC march;
b) working to coordinate decentralised autonomous direct actions;
c) transferring as many key centres of power from the Eton toffs to the sovereign people and recycling them as people's assemblies (non-violently of course!)
Agenda at this stage includes
Reports from meetings at London Climate Camp, LARC, SOAS New Model Love Army, Network X, Arts Against the Cuts and others;
Discussion of ideas/proposals coming out of those;
Media/outreach needs -- leaflets, stickers, stencils, slogans, Workers Militia paper
Where we are with action points identified below so far, especially the MAP
please add further agenda items...
Practical ideas for March 26 and week preceding put forward for more discussion include:-
1. draw up map of targets, make it wiki interactive
potential targets already mentioned incl
House of Commons; Treasury; MoD; Guards Barracks
Buckingham Palace; New Scotland Yard
Inland Revenue; Bush House; Congress House; British Museum; Patent Office;
City Hall; Bank of England; Goldman Sachs; World Bank; IMF
Royal Court of Justice;
Shell Building; BAE HQ; Vodaphone; Topshop
Town Halls
ACTION: map design, techy types;
Research targets, best days of the week, links to specific campaigns
2. Use of Radio station, w specific suggestion of Resonance FM, for coordination on day
ACTION: Going on the show!
3. Regular meets/venue each weekend/every other weekend, to encourage autonomous groups to drop by and discuss possible action
ACTION: next meets at Camden St Martin Community Centre, Jan 23, 3-6 pm, and to follow up, two weekly Sundays thereafter
4. Student digital occupations, bringing down targetted websites by use of 1000+ computers accessing sites, cf anonymous; also mass phone-ins to block govt phone lines
ACTION: Techy types needed on this one
ACTION: research key phone nos
5. for the march, use of Counter-Stewards (authenticity proved by stamps on the left buttock!) to undermine TUC bureaucrat march from A to B/speechifying. Let's all volunteer!
ACTION: Identify strategic places for sit-ins on the march
Where do we volunteer?
6. Publish edition of Worker's Militia, as the Armed Wing of the TUC
ACTION: Start work on the copy, Media group
7. On the march. or previous day, hand out of free tokens/money saying 'Vodaphone customers, you can choose a phone of your choice in these branches, March 26, from 9 a.m.'
ACTION: needs design/artwork/counterfeit money
8. ambitious planning of economic blocade of container ports e.g. Felixstowe...probably longer timeframe
9. Setting up border patrols, border control posts on Tory Free Zones, with a few barricades thrown in on local neighbourhoods, model of Passport to Pimlico declaration of independence
ACTION: No Borders interested in this one?
Identify strategic points for barricades
10. Idea of use of stencilled symbol/ikon to go onto targets, or houses of particularly repellent condem creeps
ACTION: to create a stencil of recycle symbol, arty types
11. Synchronised signals, such flags/posters for windows or lights out at certain times...or red dye for fountains…synchronised noise, air raid sirens?
NB EARTH HOUR is Sat March 26, from 8.30 to 9.30 pm...this is obvious major signal and target: ARP wardens ‘put that light out!
Action needed: links to Climate Campers/Alliance on Earth Hour
ARP warden helmets
Reconvene Sun Jan 23, 3 to 6 p.m. prompt start please
St Martin’s Community Centre, 43 Carol St NW1 0HT

close to Camden Town tube,
Operation Dual Power was launched on Jan 8th and 9th with the intention of
a) Maximally stretching police resources on the day of March 26, the TUC march;
b) working to coordinate decentralised autonomous direct actions;
c) transferring as many key centres of power from the Eton toffs to the sovereign people and recycling them as people's assemblies (non-violently of course!)
Agenda at this stage includes
Reports from meetings at London Climate Camp, LARC, SOAS New Model Love Army, Network X, Arts Against the Cuts and others;
Discussion of ideas/proposals coming out of those;
Media/outreach needs -- leaflets, stickers, stencils, slogans, Workers Militia paper
Where we are with action points identified below so far, especially the MAP
please add further agenda items...
Practical ideas for March 26 and week preceding put forward for more discussion include:-
1. draw up map of targets, make it wiki interactive
potential targets already mentioned incl
House of Commons; Treasury; MoD; Guards Barracks
Buckingham Palace; New Scotland Yard
Inland Revenue; Bush House; Congress House; British Museum; Patent Office;
City Hall; Bank of England; Goldman Sachs; World Bank; IMF
Royal Court of Justice;
Shell Building; BAE HQ; Vodaphone; Topshop
Town Halls
ACTION: map design, techy types;
Research targets, best days of the week, links to specific campaigns
2. Use of Radio station, w specific suggestion of Resonance FM, for coordination on day
ACTION: Going on the show!
3. Regular meets/venue each weekend/every other weekend, to encourage autonomous groups to drop by and discuss possible action
ACTION: next meets at Camden St Martin Community Centre, Jan 23, 3-6 pm, and to follow up, two weekly Sundays thereafter
4. Student digital occupations, bringing down targetted websites by use of 1000+ computers accessing sites, cf anonymous; also mass phone-ins to block govt phone lines
ACTION: Techy types needed on this one
ACTION: research key phone nos
5. for the march, use of Counter-Stewards (authenticity proved by stamps on the left buttock!) to undermine TUC bureaucrat march from A to B/speechifying. Let's all volunteer!
ACTION: Identify strategic places for sit-ins on the march
Where do we volunteer?
6. Publish edition of Worker's Militia, as the Armed Wing of the TUC
ACTION: Start work on the copy, Media group
7. On the march. or previous day, hand out of free tokens/money saying 'Vodaphone customers, you can choose a phone of your choice in these branches, March 26, from 9 a.m.'
ACTION: needs design/artwork/counterfeit money
8. ambitious planning of economic blocade of container ports e.g. Felixstowe...probably longer timeframe
9. Setting up border patrols, border control posts on Tory Free Zones, with a few barricades thrown in on local neighbourhoods, model of Passport to Pimlico declaration of independence
ACTION: No Borders interested in this one?
Identify strategic points for barricades
10. Idea of use of stencilled symbol/ikon to go onto targets, or houses of particularly repellent condem creeps
ACTION: to create a stencil of recycle symbol, arty types
11. Synchronised signals, such flags/posters for windows or lights out at certain times...or red dye for fountains…synchronised noise, air raid sirens?
NB EARTH HOUR is Sat March 26, from 8.30 to 9.30 pm...this is obvious major signal and target: ARP wardens ‘put that light out!
Action needed: links to Climate Campers/Alliance on Earth Hour
ARP warden helmets