UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Little London Community Day this Saturday
08-06-2006 09:16
This Saturday, 10 June, between 12pm and 5pm, is Little London Community Day. There are lots of events and stalls planned - plus the anti-PFI campaign will be there with brand new T-shirts for cost price.UK Unreported April 29th, 350,000 marched for 'Peace, Justice,and Democracy'
08-06-2006 08:53
April 29th United for Peace and Justice March in NycHaiti: The ICFTU, AFL-CIO, ILO, and ORIT in Haiti
07-06-2006 22:29

Art Not Oil sheds light and dark on BP Portrait Award, London, June-July 2006
07-06-2006 22:14

* for creativity, climate justice and an end to oily sponsorship of the arts *
Failed Solidarity: The ICFTU, AFL-CIO, ILO, and ORIT in Haiti
07-06-2006 19:57

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Greek students occupy universities
07-06-2006 19:38

ANTIFAscist Night @ THE SQUARE // Fri.9th June
07-06-2006 17:47

Plaestine Today
07-06-2006 15:23

Army shells several areas in the Gaza strip, the new security forces clash with unknown gunmen in Gaza, two injured. One resident killed in the Wednesday market in Khan-Younis town in the Gaza strip
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.
THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED screening and public meeting in Brighton
07-06-2006 11:41
"The people rescued me. For popular democracy in heroic action, I suggest you need look no further." Hugo ChavezFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
possible landmark socpa verdict due on friday
07-06-2006 10:28
war law specialist chris coverdale appeared at bow street magistrate's court yesterday in connection with an 'unauthorised' protest at parliament square in march. his extensive and well-researched defence raised questions about the legality of the war, and the judge will announce his verdict at 10am on friday.The big boys have yachts. The small boys have row boats
07-06-2006 07:33

A Guided Tour of Class in America
07-06-2006 02:53

Anti repression demo - London - 10th June
06-06-2006 23:06
// SATURDAY 10TH JUNE, 7.30PM >>
Khoodeelaar! will take mayor Livingstone to court to stop Crossrail hole
06-06-2006 19:48
Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area camapgn against the Crossrail hole Bill has today confirmed that it will take London mayor Ken Livingstone to court as soon as the Hosue of Commons select committee on crossrail completes its published schedule of hearing the formal petitions against some aspects of the Crsosrail Bill. This also coincides with the first day of Khoodeelaar! Street demos against Crsosrail held in Westminster. Khoodeelaar also delivered a letter at No 10 Downing Street giving Tiny blair a set of sound advice that he must not commit this fatal folly which will destroy any hope of any ligancy as a sensible prime minister that blair may care to leave behind as and when he leaves that addressCanadian Lesbians challenge UK 'full marriage' bar
06-06-2006 15:53
A Canadian lesbian couple are at the High Ct today to challenge the UK's refusal to recognise their 'marraige' made in Canada.Plaestine Today
06-06-2006 15:43

Five injured in a RPG attack on Preventative Security headquarters in Gaza meanwhile in the West Bank One resident injured in unexplained explosion in Hebron and Army sets farms in Tayasser village on fire
These stories and more coming up stay tuned
East End protest against Crossrail telling Tony Blauir to scrap Xrail hole
06-06-2006 10:00
The UK House of Commons Crossrail Bill select committee is being made the focus of Tony Blair's office as Prime Minister today when the Khoodeelaar! campaign takes its demands to No 10 Downing Street and stages the first of a series of demonstrations against Crsosaril Bill in WestminsterToday in Palestine
06-06-2006 09:19

Palestine Today
Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, June 5th, 2006.
Army arrests four residents from Jenin Refugee camp and one resident from Al Thahria town near Hebron. Also today, the Israeli Army stopped farmers in Tubas from harvesting their crops and arrested one resident from Beit Ola village west of Hebron
These stories and more coming up stay tuned
An Unprecedented Police Corruption Scandal
06-06-2006 04:26
What you are about to read will seem beyond belief because it reveals that a major story that has been hyped up in the media for the past twenty-five years is the opposite of the truth. It has to end now.