UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Solidarity action in USA with London Rioters
08-08-2011 14:05
BRIEF NEWS - Fuck the Police - Cop Car Window SmashedIsrael: “How Goodly Are Thy Tents”
07-08-2011 20:25
FIRST OF all, a warning.Tent cities are springing up all over Israel. A social protest movement is gathering momentum. At some point in the near future, it may endanger the right-wing government.
Urges For Fair War Crimes Trials in Bangladesh
07-08-2011 18:27
I am very much concern about the accused the right to the presumption of innocence, a fair and public hearing with counsel of their choice and the possibility of bail.Recently the British barrister Toby Cadman has been refused by the Bangladesh government to enter into Bangladesh that raises a question about the impartiality of the government towards the free and fair trial.
I highly condemn regarding autocratic attitude of the government towards the human rights lawyer Toby Cadman.
UG#562 - Our Biggest Enemy is Ourselves (Deschooling Society 1)
07-08-2011 18:20

ATOS Worker - Sick are "Parasitical Wankers"
07-08-2011 12:57

Hidden Video camera from inside Israeli Prison
06-08-2011 10:20
One woman managed to smuggle out this hidden recorded video of their six nights locked up in the high security prison in Israel.Social Tensions Near Boiling Point In Chile
05-08-2011 17:29

Direct action discussion at Just Do It
04-08-2011 21:40
Activists, in the non-activist setting of the cinema, discussed direct action/civil disobedience before an audience who had just watched the film, Just Do It - it didn't change the world, but...ATOS gets contract for Paralympic Games
03-08-2011 15:45
According to Private Eye, ATOS have been given a contract by the International Paralympic Committee to run the IT for London 2010!Death in London detention centre at weekend
02-08-2011 19:56
Second death in a month at a London detention centre brings detention back into the spotlight.Defend Crays Hill travellers site in Essex
01-08-2011 11:04
Cray Hill travellers site in Essex near Basildon is home to over 100 families and is facing eviction at the end of this months. Most of the residents have been there for many years and have absolutely nowhere else to go. People have agreed to move if the council offers an alternative site but they have offered Boat, by Bike: UK activists pedal to Palestine (with Photo Essay)
30-07-2011 19:07

Hungarian restaurant takes down flag after repeated threats of violence!
30-07-2011 15:38
Pub receives threats from locals after flying Hungarian flag.Murdochs get VIP ‘Justice’
30-07-2011 15:03
The Murdoch ‘plate of foam’ incident shows once again the double standards of the police. Trivial crimes against VIPs and Police are treated as serious crimes, but serious crimes against ordinary people are often ignored.PHILIPPINES: Absent major policy reforms, there will be no social transformation
30-07-2011 12:59

UG#561 - $100,000,000 to Crack A Lone Nut? (Amerithrax, Gladio, 7/7...)
30-07-2011 06:44

'Israeli Summer' Follows 'Arab Spring'
29-07-2011 13:27

Council attempts to seal Heygate entrance
29-07-2011 12:16

Greece: 'Coming soon... in a square near you.'
28-07-2011 20:19
Nice romantic video of what's been going on in Greece recently:Mayo - Shell’s construction stopped for fifth consecutive day
28-07-2011 19:23
-- Campaigners blockading heavy vehicles prevent construction of Shell’s onshore pipeline -- Press release from earlier today - more details from today plus photos to follow as soon as the folk involved catch their breath!