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Death in London detention centre at weekend

Migrant Solidarity | 02.08.2011 19:56 | Migration | Social Struggles

Second death in a month at a London detention centre brings detention back into the spotlight.

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A male detainee being held in Colnbrook IRC died on Sunday morning,
31st July. The name/nationality of the deceased is unknown. Detainees
we have been in contact with have been too distressed to speak

This is the second death in Colnbrook in 29 days, Muhammed Shuket died
in Colnbrook IRC on the 2nd July.

A UK Border Agency spokesperson said: "A 35-year-old male being held
at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre died on the morning of July
31. The UK Border Agency is in the process of contacting his family
and our sympathies are with them at this time. The police and Prisons
and Probation Ombudsman are investigating the matter, as is the norm,
and we are cooperating fully with their investigations."

A noise demonstration is being planned, check online info for more details
as it's worked out.

"Freedom of movement is everybody's right, we are here and we will fight!"

Migrant Solidarity


Display the following 2 comments

  1. another death this morning in Campsfield — some of no borders
  2. notice how statements for both deaths are identical — article 13