UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Citizens in Defence of Rights and Freedoms – Project Justice Gonçalo Amaral
24-11-2009 06:48

Brian Anson - Architect, Story Teller, Poet, Revolutionary... passed away over t
24-11-2009 00:10
From Donegal and Clare, and Connaught and the Munster hills...... Your plea is remembered and we battle on, energised by your passionBrian Anson (1934-2009) passed away over the weekend after being inflicted with a sudden illness, he was a Liverpudlian, who came to Ireland to do what he could to help..
New documentary provides rare insight into West Papua independence struggle
23-11-2009 23:22

When bigots attack, we fight back!
23-11-2009 22:17

Cop15 Social & Climate Justice Caravan - Reader / Newspaper Published
23-11-2009 20:20

The 23 page caravan reader introduces some of the caravan groups, their struggles and positions on the above issues:

The 300-350 Show: Civil disobedience for climate justice
23-11-2009 13:00

UK WiFi & Mobile masts - health dangers, electropollution special
22-11-2009 23:22

Direct action campaigner faces prison
22-11-2009 21:11

Historic Gaza Freedom March to Israeli Border Set For December 31
22-11-2009 20:26

The fake jump of the diver (December’s revolt in Greece, eleven months on)
22-11-2009 20:02
The following article was written by members of the Occupied London collective for Svartur Svanur (Black Swan), Iceland’s first anarchist magazine – an Icelandic translation will appear soon in the magazine’s third issue. We are reposting the article here with the usual disclaimer that this is far from an “objective” take on the situation in the country; it is an un-shamelessly politically biased one, and this time we have opted for a slightly personal take, too. Comments, feedback etc are as always very welcome, either here on the blog or at
2nd Animal Liberation Prisoner Held in Holland
22-11-2009 17:04
Earlier this month we reported that a German woman had been arrested in Holland at a mink farm. 5,000 mink had been released from the farm. Shortly after news of the first arrest came out rumours started to emerge of a second and possible third arrest.More intimidation tactics by Peter Tierney and Merseyside BNP
21-11-2009 18:18
Today, activists from Liverpool Antifascists delivered leaflets in Halewood. The event was an overall success, but once again Merseyside BNP revealed that they rely more on intimidation tactics than on politics to get their point across.Fuelling Conflict: The Tar Sands and the Military Industrial Complex
21-11-2009 12:42
Why the tar sands are important for anti-military campaigningPolice station firebombed in Brussels
21-11-2009 08:25
RIOTS broke out in Belgium on Friday night, November 20, over the brutal and racist treatment of prisoners by police.Fuelling Conflict: The Tar Sands and the Military Industrial Complex
20-11-2009 19:01

The Washington establishment suffers a serious defeat
20-11-2009 18:29
"In an unprecedented defeat for the Federal Reserve, an amendment to audit the multi-trillion dollar institution was approved by the House Finance Committee with an overwhelming and bipartisan 43-26 vote on Thursday afternoon despite harried last-minute lobbying from top Fed officials and the surprise opposition of Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who had previously been a supporter."No to Deportations and Destitution demonstration
20-11-2009 16:35
When the UK steps up its attacks on asylum seekers, South Yorkshire says No. Join our demonstration in Sheffield on Saturday 28th at 11am outside Sheffield Town Hall.Under night-time’s lovely coat - Solidarity with anarchist Jonatan (Sweden)
20-11-2009 16:19
This is the call for Revolutionary Solidarity with our Swedish anarchist comrade Jonatan and for all fighting prisoners! Please spread it and publish it on your websites, blogs and lists.Attack!
Freedom for Political Prisoners Fundraising Calendar available in UK for Xmas
20-11-2009 12:36

* 2010 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar - on the theme of Indigenous Resistance *
* 42 Gorgeous Full Colour pages of art and writings by prisoners and supporters *
* See

* Order from:

Gary Sudborough RIP
20-11-2009 09:08
Gary Sudborough, one of my favorite writers has died suddenly from a heart attack on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009.In his memory, I’m reposting an article he wrote last year that was published on several Indymedia websites.