UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
N30 Global Day of Climate Action / 10 yrs since Seattle!
19-11-2009 22:29

Bez Granits (No Borders): new anarchist newspaper for the Baltic region
19-11-2009 19:56
On November 7, 2009 (Nestor Makhno's birthday anniversary) a newanarchist newspaper, Bez Granits ("without borders" / "no limits")
published its debut issue - 12 black and red pages which were prepared
by the collective which was at the moment spread between St.
Petersburg, Russia, and Riga, Latvia.
take action to save earth centre from council
19-11-2009 11:21
The council is set to sell the wasted yet wonderful earth centre, this can't happen we can't let them make this mistake, lining their greedy pockets again while destroying another beautiful community resource.Wales, the first and final colony
19-11-2009 02:01
The speech Adam Price, the MP for Dinefwr and East Carmarthenshire, presented to the Institute of Welsh Politics on Monday night.Institute of Welsh Politics, Annual Address, Aberystwyth, 16th November 2009
Athens in siege: police Hq attacked, hundreds detained and many wounded
19-11-2009 01:53
This is a first posting on the developing situation in Athens where the 36th anniversary of the Polytechnic Uprising against the colonels' junta has been marked by long and sustained battles with the police during which hundreds of people have been detained. At the time of writing all central Athens is off bounds.Direct Action; Italy, Mexico & USA
18-11-2009 21:50

Report and Pics of the 'Signs of Revolt' exhibition in London
18-11-2009 21:26

Old Truman Brewery,
Shop 14, Brick Lane,
London E1.
Opening Times: Weekends 10-9pm, Weekdays 12-9pm
Wildcat Strike at Risley Prison
18-11-2009 17:19
Prison officers at Risley Prison in Warrington and at two prisons in Lancaster took part in wildcat strikes today in solidarity with staff in Liverpool, who walked out on Tuesday. The strike by hundreds of officers forced the governor of HMP Liverpool to bow to the pressure and agree to talks with the Prison Officers’ Association (POA).Two jailed for contempt of court in USA
18-11-2009 15:51
Originally published by at
Two people, Carrie Feldman and Scott DeMuth have been jailed for refusing to testify in front of a grand jury in Iowa, USA. The two were found to be in contempt of court this Tuesday. Both will be held until they agree to testify or for the duration of the grand jury (another 11 months). By law the longest they could be held is 18 months.
Chios: The Greek Junta rears its ugly head again, in a 'Socialist' state!
17-11-2009 20:13
280 arrested, many after being 'kettled' pre-emptively, in groups of up to 50Central Athens occupied, by cops
Report of shoppers being dragged out of supermarket and arrested
Preparing for a warm winter in Copenhagen: A guide to the COP15 protests
17-11-2009 17:55
Read the article at
This December the United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP15 will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Those organising the conference claim it aims to be a step towards the building of a ‘new global climate treaty’ in an attempt to tackle climate change.
Berlin and Prague through Seattle to Copenhagen
17-11-2009 15:18
If 1989 saw the birth of democracy and 1999 its coming-out party, then 2009 in Copenhagen will see its coming of age.Black Flag 229 released online, 230 launched
17-11-2009 14:55
Following a successful launch at this year's London Anarchist Bookfair, the Black Flag collective is releasing its previous issue, 229, online as a PDF download and is also offering a teaser to the new magazine.Destruction of Farnborough town centre enters final phase
16-11-2009 14:18
The destruction of Farnborough town centre by property developer KPI/St Modwen is now entering its final phase.National Tenant Voice - Govt smoke & mirrors, social-engineering agenda renewed
15-11-2009 22:23
2 days before the government sponsored window-dressing exercise to demonstrate tenants have a stake in a new national debate on housing - the 'National Tenant Engagement Conference' this Tuesday 17th in London organised by those lovely people from Capita (details & the crass housing association-swindling, housing-policy-con-trickery, representation-smoke & mirrors and upper-middle class dominated social engineering agenda revealed therein pasted further down), thought these 2 articles about the so-called new 'National Tenant Voice' and resulting 'National Tenant Council' would be a timely reminder of the actual situation:Death Park Slaughterer: “We euthanized 312 deer in 3 nights…”
15-11-2009 02:45
As with most forms of nonhuman animal exploitation and slaughter, it comes down to human monetary gain, “tradition,” comfort, pleasure or convenience—with an utter disregard for sentience and for the growing body of cognitive ethology studies showing that the individuals that people like you and hunters wantonly massacre lead relatively rich intellectual, emotional, and social lives. It takes a souless person, Tony, to reify or objectify thinking, feeling individuals to the extent that you can eradicate them like a flea infestation, murdering them, tearing apart families, and leaving fawns motherless before they’re self-sufficient.Manifesto for Radical Abolitionism: Total Liberation By Any Means Necessary
14-11-2009 20:14
I have written a manifesto for a radical abolitionism, which the vegan/animal rights movement desperately needs. Francione is over, just another distraction and dead-end. This approach incorporates – not condemns – militant direct action and links – not separates -- veganism and animal liberation with social and environmental cause to create a radical alliance politics and global resistance movement. Please read the manifesto, join our new Facebook group, and help us build a dynamic total liberation movement for humans, animals, and the earth.US Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Three-Day Fact-Finding Mission in Honduras
14-11-2009 17:28
Citing a “serious deterioration of human rights since the coup,” Schakowsky reflected on the executive decree PCM-M-016-2009 (declaring a state of siege) published on Sep. 27 which was set in place to supposedly defend national security and public order but that “seems to be defined as anything that is said against the coup.”Unite Against Fascism (UAF) stewards collaborate with police on anti-EDL protest
14-11-2009 11:46
Statement of the Anarchist Federation regarding the recent state collaboration of UAF members.