UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Nationwide shut down of Vodafone stores
31-10-2010 19:03
21 Vodafone stores across the country closed. Vodafone claim their unpaid £6 billion tax is an urban myth. Vodafone claim they always pay their taxes. £7 billion cuts in benefits to the poor. £6 billion unpaid tax by Vodafone. We can all do the sums and we do not like the resultScreening of Sanjay Kak's 'Jashn-e-Azadi' on Kashmir + film-maker QnA
31-10-2010 11:33

America threatens Iran: The anti-war movement's trojan horse
31-10-2010 10:30
After a period in which defending Iran hasn't been very high on the agenda of most U.S. anti-war activists, there are now two petition campaigns opposing war and sanctions against Iran.One effort is led by a New York City-based organization more known for defending Cuban “dissidents” who openly take U.S. money to try to undermine the Cuban Revolution. The other was launched by an independent Tehran-based organization formed to promote Iranian solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela and other progressive countries in Latin America.
Curiously, it's the first campaign that seems to be getting the most support.
London: 12th UFFC Annual march against custody deaths and abuses
30-10-2010 21:53

Simon Kirby Mp ask for help by murder wittness living in fear
30-10-2010 20:39
Chief wittness in Katrina Taylor murder David JOE Neilson has ask Simon Kirby mp to expose Sussex Police cover up of Katrina Taylor murder. Mr Neilson told iINFORMER22 that he lives in fear of Sussex Police see
Trident is Cancer - Cut It Out
30-10-2010 20:16
Latest Press Release from Trident Ploughshares about blockade of Devonport Dockyard.Vodafone protest in Oxford
30-10-2010 18:49
The Vodafone shop in Cornmarket, Oxford was closed for over an hour as activists staged a sit-in to protest against the company being let off from paying £6,000,000,000 in taxes by the Lib-Con government whilst the the same government cuts services from older people, students, the unemployed, the sick, and most other people that are not millionaires.London Critical Mass October ride.
30-10-2010 10:56

Boycott of pro spending cuts retailers takes off
30-10-2010 07:35
We posted on Sunday about our plans to stop shopping with retailers whose senior managers publicly champion George Osborne's cruel, ideologically-driven spending cuts.This month, we're targeting ASDA, Boots and Mothercare for boycott. Thousands of people have turned up to read and to join the campaign.
Clive Bloom at Cowley
30-10-2010 00:57

Vodafone £6 billion unpaid tax bill
29-10-2010 19:20
While the poor starve, the rich and global corporations fiddle their tax.12th annual protest against deaths in custody - Saturday 27 October
29-10-2010 18:14

Saturday 30th October 2010
Assemble Trafalgar Square 12 noon.
Violations of Workers Rights in the Philippines in 2010
29-10-2010 12:53

Devonport Blockade - Press Release
29-10-2010 10:16
Press Release for the forthcoming blockade of Devonport Dockyard by anti-nuclear campaigners.Islamist radicalisation at British universities
29-10-2010 09:53
Islamist radicalisation at British universitiesA Quilliam Foundation report
Study highlights intimidation of women, Jewish, gay and Muslim students
London, UK - 29 October 2010
"Shut Down Tax Dodging Vodafone": Cornmarket 2PM SAT 30TH
29-10-2010 01:31

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Anti cuts demo escapes police control in Oxford
29-10-2010 00:18
A huge crowd, mostly students, mobilised at short notice to protest the visit of Vince Cable to Oxford, turned up in spite of the fact that he cancelled his visit, and briefly took over several busy areas of Oxford in the face of police attempts to contain us.Anti-cut linked protests across UK this Saturday (30.10.10)
28-10-2010 23:12
As the title states. If you're aware of other protests this weekend please post details below.'Equal Love' campaign launched
28-10-2010 21:47
'Equal Love' campaign launchedGay marriage & straight civil partnerships, OutRage! urges
Legal bid to end sexual orientation discrimination
Campaign call for Co-operative Boycott of Israeli Goods
28-10-2010 21:33
Pro-Palestinian activists will be aware that the consumer Boycott Israeli Goods have been heavily involved with a campaign to get the Co-operative Group to cease all trade agreements with Agrexco, as the Co-operative are currently claiming that they do not to stock settlement goods in their food stores throughout the United Kingdom.