UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
New social centre in Bath - Come and help out!
14-10-2009 20:36
BAN have opened a new social centre in Bath - now we need people to come and help make it a successTamil Mass Protest Rally, London - Sat 17th October 2009
14-10-2009 15:49

- Starts: 12 Noon from Embankment
(Nearest Tube: Temple / Embankment, Charing cross)
- Ends: Hyde Park
Chavez’s Lines: ¡¡Viva El Che!!
14-10-2009 13:28
"What has Obama done to deserve this award? The jury praised as crucial feature his wish for a world without nuclear weapons, forgetting his efforts to perpetuate his battalions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his decision to install new military bases in Colombia. For the first time, we are witnessing an award with the nominee having done nothing to deserve it: rewarding someone for a wish that is very far from becoming reality.But that is the world. Imagine someone giving a pitcher the Cy Young Award at the beginning of the season, only because he said he will win 50 games, will not lose any, will strike out 500 batters and his ERA will not exceed 0.5. Rosines[3] said: “No Way!” Meanwhile, daily engaged as were are, in the solution of a thousand problems, it is an immense joy that fills the soul to see how we move with more libertarian determination towards the consolidation of a real alternative for our peoples, although from Washington they tell us that we should be a more "constructive" country for the region. The things people say! In reality what “worries” them is the way we are moving towards a destination that puts the people of America at the epicenter of change and not in their failed "little free trade agreements” that crashed against the united valor of the people determined to be free and sovereign.
¡Viva el Che! ¡Hasta la victoria siempre! ¡Venceremos!"
Two demonstrations in Tegucigalpa
14-10-2009 13:08
An eye-witness account of the strengths and weaknesses of the resistance movement in HondurasSheffield Activist Network Welcome Party for Phil Harvey
14-10-2009 10:09
We are SAN, We are everywhere.The still-missing central fact in the Iran drama
13-10-2009 22:28
"Does that sound like the CIA actually knows whether Iran ever even discovered "that its cover had been blown," let alone that this was the reason the Iranians disclosed the facility to the IAEA? Obviously not. Time can say only that U.S. officials (unnamed, of course) "believe" that this happened — based on what? — but cannot even say how Iran might have learned of the U.S. discovery (that's "unclear"). Plainly, at least according to this account and every other that I've seen, there are no known facts to support the claim that this is what motivated Iran's IAEA disclosure. It's just something that gets asserted without any challenge or questioning."Agrofuels Don't Roc(K)
13-10-2009 22:24

London Mobilisation for Mother Earth
13-10-2009 15:16

British PR Company willing to help destroy Uncontacted Tribe (covert recording)
13-10-2009 12:34

Please pass this recording on, and ensure that the activities of PR companies are exposed.
Around the Campaigns Tuesday 13th October 2009
13-10-2009 08:48
Children held in UK immigration removal centres develop mental and physical health difficultiesUN urged to intercede on behalf of seven 'disappeared' Saharawi human rights adv
12-10-2009 20:40
The President of the SADR writes to the UN to highlight the arrest of seven Western Saharan human rights activists in MoroccoThe Moment Has Come for a New Constitution in Honduras
12-10-2009 20:29
“We reiterate our condemnation of the coup d’etat and call for national reconciliation, which is why we propose reforms to the Electoral Law and that political organizations convene a referendum so that the citizenry can vote on a new Constitution,” said Alvarez Casildo.“For black people, this is the moment the entire country finds itself in. It affects everyone. And it represents a historic opportunity to change the direction of Honduras so that the great majority benefit.”
UK government condemns British mining company Vedanta
12-10-2009 13:48
In an unprecedented attack on a major British company, the government ruled that Vedanta, ‘did not respect the rights of the Dongria Kondh’; ‘did not consider the impact of the construction of the mine on the [tribe’s] rights’; and ‘failed to put in place an adequate and timely consultation mechanism’. Devastatingly, it concluded, ‘A change in the company’s behaviour’ is ‘essential’.Is climate action at a tipping point?
12-10-2009 13:00
We’ve seen victory after victory this week and that’s just the major iconic battles. Not only have Eon and BAA thrown in the towel on Kingsnorth and Heathrows third runway, but also the rejection of the proposed agrofuels power stations Portland, Dorset and in Southall, Ealing last month.New pamphlet: After Makhno (Hidden histories of Anarchism in the Ukraine)
12-10-2009 08:51
The Kate Sharpley Library are pleased to announce our new pamphlet containing two essays on Makhnovist opposition in the Ukraine after the triumph of Bolshevism.Action needed to stop Nick Griffin speaking at BNP rally at Cleveleys
12-10-2009 08:04
Keep the BNP out!World boycott campaign to Chiquita for its support of the Coup d’ Etat in Honduras
12-10-2009 02:50

Climate Activists Cheer 'Two Down, One To Go', As Great Climate Swoop Looms
11-10-2009 18:00
Climate activists have been celebrating a double victory this week, whilecontinuing plans to take control of a second power station this weekend.
Urgent! - Solidarity Demo for Amadeu Casellas, Oct 12, London
11-10-2009 17:45
Long-term anarchist prisoner Amadeu needs your solidarity and support!!He has been on hunderstrike for 85+ days and now is refusing water - this situation is urgent - for anyone who can make this demo in London, please attend!!