UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
More on the library cuts
16-02-2011 11:49
It sounds like some of the councils are reconsidering library closures, though many are still under threat - see link to Guardian article below.A self-written history of Mandela Park: Kwanele! Enough!
16-02-2011 09:59

The following is a self-written history by our movement. After a lot of deliberation with our members, we came up with this document as a way of explaining how we have come to say Kwanele! Please use this document in order to better understand our struggle…
Cambridge Activists Target Reptile Dealers 'Pets at Home'
15-02-2011 20:58

GM stick up at Tesco in Bristol
15-02-2011 20:19
Tesco have been pushing their 'we don't use Genetically Modified ingredients, honest' line for years. With evidence mounting of the horrific impact of GM soya in South America, it seemed about time to start making some noise about the way GM has been creeping back onto the shelves, especially when we heard they'd gone so far as to make an in store display of GM oil.Ghonim Calls for End to Protests, Strikes to Bring Stability?
15-02-2011 16:34
"Perhaps this young man is sincere. But it is certain that he is “class bound” in his thinking. He is an executive. Not an unemployed factory worker or wet nurse. For the Egyptian revolution to produce the profound changes so needed in our world those elements of Egyptian society must take the lead. Otherwise the U.S., Israel, and ruling classes the world over win. And that was not the intention and will not be the result of this heroic struggle. Stay tuned. Get involved. The Egyptian people have declared that they will remain vigilant. We must do so with them."Preparing for anti-cuts protests on 26th of March – a personal rallying call
15-02-2011 14:57
I'm an individual. I belong to and represent no organisation. I have no authority and don't want it. This is just commentary, suggestion, a discussion starter. I'm an individual who has been to many protests and have often been left questioning their effectiveness. We need effective protest right now and that's what this is about. It is also about taking things further than the TUC will want to take things in March.National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts – Day 3
15-02-2011 13:53
The 3rd National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts has been called for April 14th 2011.Chants call for regime change as Bahrain kills second protestor
15-02-2011 12:33

Woman facing trial in Essex for rescuing food from becoming landfill!
14-02-2011 22:05
As reported by the Essex Chronicle, The Telegraph and Daily Mail (hmm..); A girl in Essex is facing court on the 16th after being threatened with the use of a battering ram at her house, being handcuffed and led away and having her house searched. Many of us are aware of the horrendous amount of food getting thrown away each day. Now is the time to speak up!The Egyptian Revolution enters a new stage and much more
14-02-2011 20:42
"As for the Obama administration, having supported Mubarak for as long as possible, it is backing the military regime. On Saturday, the administration declared that it welcomed the measures taken by the generals and their supposed commitment to democracy. Having helped train many of Egypt’s officers, it intends to use them to secure its interests in Egypt and the Middle East. These include not only defending its strategic and military interests, but above all heading off a revolutionary challenge from the working class.Deeply tied to Egypt’s business community, the officer corps is hostile to the wave of strikes that is shaking Egypt, and workers’ demands for improved wages and social conditions. While it does not yet feel strong enough to do so, the army is signaling its intention to move against strikers. In a statement denouncing “chaos and disorder,” the Higher Military Council said it would ban meetings by labor unions or professional syndicates, effectively making strikes illegal.
In six months, and perhaps longer, the army plans to hold elections on the basis of a constitution drafted exclusively by itself, and without dissolving Mubarak’s National Democratic Party (NDP). That is, it hopes to use the six-month period to wind down the protests and give a pseudo-democratic cover to a regime no more responsive to the demands of the population than the one controlled by the hated Mubarak."
Disabled plan protest against Clegg on 4 March
14-02-2011 19:50
Campaigners in wheelchairs will target Nick Clegg over the government's cuts lifeline allowances during the Scottish Lib Dems' final gathering before the Holyrood election.A Short Legal History of the Credit Crunch
14-02-2011 17:30
A critical legal analysis of the credit crunch, the banks' tactics for survival and the roll out of these tactics as part of the cuts agenda.Professor Colin Blakemore in Animal Rights Zone
14-02-2011 07:16
The animal rights social network and advocacy website Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) announces a groundbreaking interview with British neurobiologist and University of Oxford1 Professor Colin Blakemore Ph. D. to take place at 10pm GMT on Saturday February 19, 2011.Victory to the Egyptian Revolution - London rally 12 Feb 2011
14-02-2011 00:28

SolFed (Ox-Fly)
13-02-2011 18:25
A new radical workers organisation has been founded in Oxford. Thames Valley Solidarity Federation is a group seeking to promote direct democracy, direct action and working class self-organisation in local workplaces and communities.Article taken from Issue 3 of The Ox-Fly - Oxford's radical newsletter:

How's work? (Ox-Fly)
13-02-2011 18:20
Some of AiO are setting up a website (tentatively titled 'Bosswatch') that can be used to review workplaces around Oxford. Reviews would be anonymous to prevent victimisation.Article taken from Issue 3 of The Ox-Fly - Oxford's radical newsletter:

Is Sussex Police Authority being run by the Masons
13-02-2011 14:28
Cambridge Marches Against Further Cuts
13-02-2011 13:36

The Fall of Mubarak and the Bankruptcy of Western Empires
13-02-2011 04:35
This is an analysis of the fall of Mubarak, the hypocrisy of the Western imperialist/zionist and our tasks of solidarity with the Arab revolutions in the coming months.