UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
#Egypt - The revolution continues after Mubarak's fall
12-02-2011 22:21

Yesterday evening, after it was announced that Hosni Mubarak had met the first demand of the revolution and left office, I headed toward the Egyptian embassy in Amman. The joy on the streets was something I had never experienced before.
Lancashire's Anti-Cuts Movement Grows Bigger, And Louder!
12-02-2011 21:54
A mass protest took place against the conDem coalition's cuts in Preston City Centre today.Venezuela’s Social Movements: Autonomy’s Difficult Path
12-02-2011 20:14

Download! Dissident Island 4 February 2011
12-02-2011 12:16
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Marching against the cuts in Oxford
12-02-2011 12:12
People from all over Oxford come together today to protest against the government's cuts. The march, organised by Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance, will highlight the massive public opposition to the cuts.Resist Together - March 26th poster
12-02-2011 10:59

#Feb12 Algerians take to the streets
12-02-2011 10:11

Sheffield Celebration of Mubarak's Resignation in #Egypt
11-02-2011 22:35

ubarak 2.0: Egypt VP Suleiman Has Menacing Reputation
11-02-2011 19:39
"Great changes are now “possible” in Egypt and, potentially throughout the Arab world, but are by no means certain. The US/Israel have a plan B, etc. Bet on it. The citizens of Egypt have shown incredible courage and valor in their struggle. But that struggle continues. Egyptians now must fashion an economy and democracy that serves the needs of all it’s people. Resistance to this effort will be intense. And rest assured has already begun."Three important articles on the situation in Egypt
11-02-2011 18:08
“Washington is acutely conscious that what it confronts in Egypt is a social revolution. This has been driven home in the last few days as a strike wave has spread throughout the country, bringing into struggle virtually every section of the country’s working population, from textile workers, to bus drivers, hospital workers, actors, steelworkers, teachers, hospital workers, journalists, shipyard workers, peasants and countless others. Workers have occupied factories, blockaded major roads and fought pitched battles with riot police.The greatest fear of the ruling elite in the United States and in every other country is that this mass uprising in Egypt will serve as a spark, radicalizing workers throughout the Middle East, Africa and beyond under conditions in which the profound and protracted crisis of world capitalism is creating mass discontent in every corner of the world.”
Anti-Cuts demo in Swindon - This Thursday!
11-02-2011 17:27
Upcoming anti-cuts demo in Swindon -Egypt - a military coup
11-02-2011 17:04
President Mubarak has stood down, and handed power over to the military. In his own words, "may god help everybody".Soli attack in Bristol out skirts - the fire is spreading.
11-02-2011 14:51
We have come to terms with the extent of the damage done to our individual lives, our planet, what could laughably be called the remains of some *community* (now a politicians' poisoned term - we see nothing reflective of what community means to us in this society) by the ravaging of capitalism, the State, social hierarchies of race and gender and our own seeming inability to confront and systematically destroy these entites as they suffocate us. This realisation can too often lead to paralysis or chasing one's own tails in a frenzy of self-righteous *activism* that leaves participants exhausted, the quality of their struggle cheapened, and our enemies unfazed. We have assessed the terrain in which we find ourselves and pledged a trajectory of wild rage despite the spell of tranquility that society attempts to cast, living passion and experimentation despite the inertia and obsession with dead objects this society fetishizes, and real affinity despite the empty shell of social networks and meaningless interaction we are sold as leisure or *community*. Many tools are ours in this lived resistance - but none of these find any context when not held up against a relentless and determined assault on the open prison that unfolds everywhere our enemies tread.Portsmouth anti-cuts campaign presents an alternative
11-02-2011 06:48
As Portsmouth City Council voted on Tuesday for a budget to make over £20 million worth of cuts, the only voice of opposition came from Portsmouth Against Cuts Together (PACT), the community group supported by the city's trade union movement, which presented an alternative budget to the council meeting.Corporate complicity in Egyptian regime's crimes
10-02-2011 19:38

A coup taking place currently in Cairo
10-02-2011 19:28
Rumors circulating that Mubarak has left the country , places of destinations are Dubai and Jordan.There are rumors that Cairo international airport is being evacuated to let Mubarak leave now.Another rumor that that he is being detained at a military airport.Al jazeera claims that the army intervened when Mubarak was going to transfer some of his powers to Soliman, in fact this was what Mubarak was going to announce allegedly tonight. Already now we are hearing that officers tried to killed Soliman in that assassination attempt.Museveni must go!
10-02-2011 19:16
The momentum for change in North Africa must extend to sub-Saharan Africa.2 Fr.Bks:Indignez-vous(Time for OUTRAGE)&”Coming Insurrection” spur revolts
10-02-2011 19:04
Two recent books from France and England are stirring up revolutions, and it's about time.I'll quote from them a little, because you need to know. But I am not trying to steal their sales. If you get a copy, that's a revolutionary act in itself.
Roma and Arabs in Europe and Latinos in America, take note. This about protecting your rights.