A Short Legal History of the Credit Crunch
Ida Ince | 14.02.2011 17:30 | Analysis | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles
A critical legal analysis of the credit crunch, the banks' tactics for survival and the roll out of these tactics as part of the cuts agenda.
In this series of four articles this week Ida Ince of Critical Legal Thinking examines the course of the Credit Crunch from the perspective of the interface between the hyper-financialised world of collateral debt obligations and securitisation, and the more familiar world of industrial corporate debt.
It is at this nexus that many of the subsequent developments in the world economy can be located. It also provides a useful starting point for discussing legal complexity, rather than the ‘antecedent but not principal cause’ of the crisis, namely the bust in the Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities market, whose structure operated as a culmination of legal and economic innovations in varied fields, including that of corporate debt finance.
It is at this nexus that many of the subsequent developments in the world economy can be located. It also provides a useful starting point for discussing legal complexity, rather than the ‘antecedent but not principal cause’ of the crisis, namely the bust in the Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities market, whose structure operated as a culmination of legal and economic innovations in varied fields, including that of corporate debt finance.

Ida Ince