Woman facing trial in Essex for rescuing food from becoming landfill!
AJ | 14.02.2011 22:05 | Ecology | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast
As reported by the Essex Chronicle, The Telegraph and Daily Mail (hmm..); A girl in Essex is facing court on the 16th after being threatened with the use of a battering ram at her house, being handcuffed and led away and having her house searched. Many of us are aware of the horrendous amount of food getting thrown away each day. Now is the time to speak up!
The story in question can be seen at the following links:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1355525/Theft-finding-Woman-took-thrown-Tesco-waffles-charged-stealing.html ,
http://www.thisistotalessex.co.uk/news/Undefined-Headline/article-3197882-detail/article.html ,
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/8315980/Woman-accused-of-theft-after-taking-Tesco-rubbish.html .
Having lived for several months without money myself, and as a continuing 'freegan', I am well aware of the incredible attitude of so many companies such as Tesco when it comes to food. I believe it's completely unacceptable for food to be intentionally turned into landfill, considering the incredible process it went through to get on the shelves, and when people are dying due to lack of it all over the world.
I'm not aware of any campaigns that have been started in response to this particular arrest, but as far as I'm aware this is the first case in the UK of a dumpster diver (although she wasn't even doing that) being taken to court. I believe now is the time to take it public, raise awareness and speak up! If Tesco wants to bring charges, they need to be exposed for the real criminals they are!
I would love to hear of any further info anyone has on this case. I personally will be emailing newspapers, as I'm not sure what else I can do, not being in Essex and not knowing more details. If you're freegan, this could be you next! This could be a landmark court case.
Happy Skipping
Less Waste, More Taste!

Having lived for several months without money myself, and as a continuing 'freegan', I am well aware of the incredible attitude of so many companies such as Tesco when it comes to food. I believe it's completely unacceptable for food to be intentionally turned into landfill, considering the incredible process it went through to get on the shelves, and when people are dying due to lack of it all over the world.
I'm not aware of any campaigns that have been started in response to this particular arrest, but as far as I'm aware this is the first case in the UK of a dumpster diver (although she wasn't even doing that) being taken to court. I believe now is the time to take it public, raise awareness and speak up! If Tesco wants to bring charges, they need to be exposed for the real criminals they are!
I would love to hear of any further info anyone has on this case. I personally will be emailing newspapers, as I'm not sure what else I can do, not being in Essex and not knowing more details. If you're freegan, this could be you next! This could be a landmark court case.
Happy Skipping
Less Waste, More Taste!
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