lotek | 15.09.2008 09:53 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
Radical Assemblies are open meetings in the activist center Utkanten.
The assemblies are open discussions and participatory workshops on
different topics with the purpose to exchange experiences and share
information between different european activist networks. The Radical
Assemblies and Utkanten is autonomous from ESF, so you dont need to
pay participatory fee to ESF to take part.
Everyday breakfast will be served at 9:00-11:00, lunch at 13:00-15:00
and dinner at 18:00-21:00 by the mobile kitchens Automat, Bröd och
frihet, & Le Sabot at Utkanten.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
1. Radical Women Assembly
An assembly on the situation of women in Europe. We will start by
talking about the myth of Sweden as the paradise of equality for
women, and then invite you to describe the situation of women in your
country. How is the situation of women on the labour market, in
unwaged work, everyday struggles (childcare etc), sexuality. We wish
to focus on the issues where class struggle and feminism meet. What
collective solutions exist for women in your country? What do you
need? What types of women's organization exist? In what way do women
take part in workplace struggles and the trade unions? After these
presentations we will discuss in smaller groups how we can act
together: actions and cooperation now during the social forum and in
the future.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Thursday 18 sept, 14:00. (2 hours)
2. Radical Assembly on precarity and workplace struggles
Struggle against precarity, from campaigns to selforganizing. Open
Assembly and workshop. Share your experiencies on combating the daily
exploitation on your workplace. Talk with and meet others in a
precarious work situation from different countries and exchange ideas,
smart tactics or conspire how to overthrow capitalism. A collective
enquiry on experiences from working 1) inside informal or formal
workplace collectives with your collages, 2) inside radical base
unions (for exampel CNT France and Spain, Cobas and RdB Italy, SAC in
Sweden), 3) inside institutionalized trade unions as a radical current
or rank-and-file network, 4) as supportive social movements, social
activism or campaigns (ex EuroMayDay-Parades, campaigns on precarity,
Labour.net, sans papiers ecc). Can there exist a intersection or
hybrid between social movement activism and union struggle? What
common ground exists between papperless migrants, unemployed and
students as sections of a precarious workforce, paid and unpaid
"female" work and other forms and methods of struggle from the
invisible workers of the world.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Thursday 18 sept, 16:00. (2 hours)
3. EuroMayDay Assembly
Open meeting to talk about the future of the (Euro)Mayday-parades and
network. 1) Where do processes of organisation, among the precarious,
already exist? 2) What have been the experiences of cooperation and
collaboration amongst local (Euro)MayDay coalitions, beyond the
organisation of parades on May 1? 3) How do we understand the
European/international (Euro)MayDay "process"? 4) And what should be
the next steps in this "process" (whatever that may be?)
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Thursday 18 sept, 18:00. (2 hours)
4. Radical Assembly on squatting and social centers
Social movements needs social forums, social forums needs social
center. Open Assembly and practical workshop for sharing experiences
from the recent wave of struggles for social centers and squattings i
Europe. A new wave of struggles for free zones and social centers
broke out after the eviction of Ungdomshuset in 2007. What are the
possibilities in Europe today to open new selfmanaged spaces for
social movements? What role can these spaces play in the local
community and local struggles to promote radical antagonism? How can
we counteract the states repressive measures against the centers and
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Friday 19 sept, 14:00. (2 hours)
5. Radical Assembly on future mobilisations
Europe as a shared space of conflicts. Open Assembly for radical and
antagonistic movements. A forum for presenting coming events, future
mobilisations and to give reports from recent network meetings
(Peoples Global Action, Euromayday, No Border), coming Global Days of
Action or camps (Migration, Climate, Mayday) and coming summit
Protests (Climat Summit - COP15 in Denmark 2009, Nato Summit in
France/Germany 2009, EU-Summit in Sweden 2009, G8 in Italy 2009).
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Friday 19 sept. 16:00. (2 hours)
6. Collapsing the European security architecture
The German-dutch group Gipfelsoli holdes a seminare about repression
against summit protests, the development of European police
cooperation, the militarisation of the EU, and what role the Nato
summit in Strasbourg 2009 will play and what we can do against it.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Sunday 21th sept. 13:00. (3 hours)
Cafe Glassfabriken, Kristianstadsgatan 16, Malmö
ESF Action Network
Direct reports from actions and manifestations on Motkrafts rss-feed:
and dinner at 18:00-21:00 by the mobile kitchens Automat, Bröd och
frihet, & Le Sabot at Utkanten.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20


1. Radical Women Assembly
An assembly on the situation of women in Europe. We will start by
talking about the myth of Sweden as the paradise of equality for
women, and then invite you to describe the situation of women in your
country. How is the situation of women on the labour market, in
unwaged work, everyday struggles (childcare etc), sexuality. We wish
to focus on the issues where class struggle and feminism meet. What
collective solutions exist for women in your country? What do you
need? What types of women's organization exist? In what way do women
take part in workplace struggles and the trade unions? After these
presentations we will discuss in smaller groups how we can act
together: actions and cooperation now during the social forum and in
the future.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Thursday 18 sept, 14:00. (2 hours)
2. Radical Assembly on precarity and workplace struggles
Struggle against precarity, from campaigns to selforganizing. Open
Assembly and workshop. Share your experiencies on combating the daily
exploitation on your workplace. Talk with and meet others in a
precarious work situation from different countries and exchange ideas,
smart tactics or conspire how to overthrow capitalism. A collective
enquiry on experiences from working 1) inside informal or formal
workplace collectives with your collages, 2) inside radical base
unions (for exampel CNT France and Spain, Cobas and RdB Italy, SAC in
Sweden), 3) inside institutionalized trade unions as a radical current
or rank-and-file network, 4) as supportive social movements, social
activism or campaigns (ex EuroMayDay-Parades, campaigns on precarity,
Labour.net, sans papiers ecc). Can there exist a intersection or
hybrid between social movement activism and union struggle? What
common ground exists between papperless migrants, unemployed and
students as sections of a precarious workforce, paid and unpaid
"female" work and other forms and methods of struggle from the
invisible workers of the world.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Thursday 18 sept, 16:00. (2 hours)
3. EuroMayDay Assembly
Open meeting to talk about the future of the (Euro)Mayday-parades and
network. 1) Where do processes of organisation, among the precarious,
already exist? 2) What have been the experiences of cooperation and
collaboration amongst local (Euro)MayDay coalitions, beyond the
organisation of parades on May 1? 3) How do we understand the
European/international (Euro)MayDay "process"? 4) And what should be
the next steps in this "process" (whatever that may be?)
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Thursday 18 sept, 18:00. (2 hours)
4. Radical Assembly on squatting and social centers
Social movements needs social forums, social forums needs social
center. Open Assembly and practical workshop for sharing experiences
from the recent wave of struggles for social centers and squattings i
Europe. A new wave of struggles for free zones and social centers
broke out after the eviction of Ungdomshuset in 2007. What are the
possibilities in Europe today to open new selfmanaged spaces for
social movements? What role can these spaces play in the local
community and local struggles to promote radical antagonism? How can
we counteract the states repressive measures against the centers and
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Friday 19 sept, 14:00. (2 hours)
5. Radical Assembly on future mobilisations
Europe as a shared space of conflicts. Open Assembly for radical and
antagonistic movements. A forum for presenting coming events, future
mobilisations and to give reports from recent network meetings
(Peoples Global Action, Euromayday, No Border), coming Global Days of
Action or camps (Migration, Climate, Mayday) and coming summit
Protests (Climat Summit - COP15 in Denmark 2009, Nato Summit in
France/Germany 2009, EU-Summit in Sweden 2009, G8 in Italy 2009).
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Friday 19 sept. 16:00. (2 hours)
6. Collapsing the European security architecture
The German-dutch group Gipfelsoli holdes a seminare about repression
against summit protests, the development of European police
cooperation, the militarisation of the EU, and what role the Nato
summit in Strasbourg 2009 will play and what we can do against it.
At: Utkanten, Industrigatan 20
Sunday 21th sept. 13:00. (3 hours)
Cafe Glassfabriken, Kristianstadsgatan 16, Malmö
ESF Action Network

Direct reports from actions and manifestations on Motkrafts rss-feed:
