UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
A Road of Destruction: the Manta-Belém corredor
12-01-2007 05:45
The blogpost pasted below can be found with links and pics here:
4 protestors killed in Cochabamba Bolivia
11-01-2007 22:51
In an demonstration in Cochabamba, Bolivia, violence has errupted. 4000 demonstrators are surrounded by an armed mob of over 1000 people.By Cearbhuil Ní Fhionnghusa an eyewitness from Ireland in Cochabamba.
4 people have already been killed in the violent repression of protests. People have come from all over Cochabamba to "Plaza 14 de Septiembre" demanding that the Prefect resigns from office. The Prefect 'Manfres Villas Reyes is a right-wing oligarch who supports multinationals and privatisation. Reyes´ December convoking of an autonomy referendum, to allow the province more independence from Moralez government has enraged Cochabamba's campesinos. He must go', say the protesters.
Since Tuesday, all the main roads are blocked off and no cars, taxis or other vehicles can enter the main square or the surrounding area. Now today all main roads are blocked and nobody can leave or arrive in Cochabamba.
Bush, Somalia and the Future
11-01-2007 14:39
Bush’s impending demise is marked by frantic and desperate attempts to portray the illegal Iraq invasion and subsequent plunder of the precious oil resource, as a war of “noble” intent! Wars based on deception, lies and plunder, with over half a million civilian casualties, would be difficult to record as anything other than what they are – theft, murder and neo-colonial expansionism at any cost. Unfortunately for Bush and his neo-cons, the Truth regarding Iraq is widely known and it is that knowledge which will enter the historical record, not the drivel that issues from the mouths of imbeciles and psychopaths!Testimonio de un integrante del FPDT Atenco
11-01-2007 00:24

Venezuela 2006: Continued repression of popular protest
10-01-2007 23:43
* El Libertario, the voice of the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas of Venezuela, analyzes the how and the why of the increasing state repression against the growing social discontent that belies the pseudo-revolutionary discourse of the Chavez regime.Christian lunatics hold homophobic rally outside parliament.
10-01-2007 22:16

BBC relaunches a pro-racist Monica Ali to undermine the community again
10-01-2007 20:34
The BBC has today relauncerhd the notorious 'ethnic author' Monica Ali on the image of Brick LaneGAGGED! #15 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
10-01-2007 16:17
GAGGED! #15 Jan/Feb 07 anti-copyrightSouth Wales Anarchist Newsletter • • PO Box 70, Newport NP20 5XX
Much prettier here (with pics etc) on pdf -

Wed eve: Vigil for Guantanamo detainee outside Downing St
10-01-2007 13:13
THIS EVENING (Wed 10th Jan), VIGIL FOR British resident - JAMIL EL-BANNA - is one of 9 British residents held in Guantanamo.On the eve of the 5th Anniversary of the Opening of Guantánamo Bay
6pm, Richmond Terrace SW1 (opposite Downing Street)
TOMORROW, in Birmingham, demo outside HIATTS, supplier of Suppliers of handcuffs, shackles and chains - for African slaves in the 19th century to the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay in the 21st. BALTIMORE RD, 1.30pm.
Collins Stewart London Boat Show Banned Family - Limited Picket
10-01-2007 12:07

Night of a thousand bigots pix
10-01-2007 10:02

Millions Struggling to Survive On Low Wages
10-01-2007 04:40
The 110th Congress is now in session and congressional leaders are expected to move on raising the U.S. minimum wage. Congress is expected to move quickly to raise the federal minimum wage from the present rate of $5.15 to $7.25 per hour by 2009; it will be the first such increase since 1997.Photos: Homophobic Protest & Counter Protest (09.01.06)
10-01-2007 00:36

Close Guantánamo: Demonstration on the 5th anniversary
09-01-2007 23:14

Advertising Cancer Infects NHS
09-01-2007 18:46
Yes, you read it right. Now that we have 'choice' in what hospitals we consume (sorry, 'use'), Merseyside NHS hospitals are going to start flaunting their wares in public spaces, in a bid to make you choose Southport General over the Royal Liverpool or whatever. Of course, as with any business, the money spent on advertising will not be available for wages or the actual services. And in hospitals, the services are quite important.Conspiracy Their Arses! Ricky Tomlinson (and Non-Celebrities) Fight Injustice
09-01-2007 16:16

Local Shorts Screening of Malcolm X in Smethwick
09-01-2007 14:53

There will be a showing of Steve Page's Malcolm X: the story of when Malcolm X came to Smethwick, as well as a Smorgasbord of other short films.
Our special guest this month is Louis Campbell, musician, performance poet and film maker.
Local Shorts Film Club, Library Theatre Birmingham
6.00 networking/drinking
7.00 ish films
The event is FREE!
'Injunction' forced upon me by the 'Disablist' Courts in Hull and E. Riding....
08-01-2007 12:45
In response to the recent 'injunction' forced upon me by the 'Disablist'Courts in the East Riding and Hull Locality by the claimant East Riding of Yorkshire Council, who the Judge (HHJ Grenfell), at Kingston Upon Hull Combined Courts totally abused my basic human rights and 'ignored' all submissions within my case.
Fortnightly rubbish collection creating a plague of rats
08-01-2007 12:04
Across the country, fortnightly rubbish collection is creating a plague of rats.B&K Beagle Shippers - Yusen
08-01-2007 05:18
"We do not expect that the actions of NARN will have any major impact on our companyin 2007" - B&K Spokesperson to Yorkshire Post (03/01/07)
Similar comments were made by Hillgrove, Consort Beagles and Newchurch Farm; all
with the same idea - that they will not be closed down.