UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
G8 in Oxford events
16-06-2005 19:22

16-06-2005 18:20
A 10-month Scotland Yard study has documented ongoing Christian human child sacrifices in London, and a Christian theologian Dr. Richard Hoskins of Kings College acknowledges that this is true but asks that it be dealt with "sensitively". Contrast this demand for sensitivity with the everyday psychotic mistreatment of Muslims over "issues" like polygamy.pic of the 1st ever Canterbury Gay pride event
16-06-2005 16:16
link to set of pics from Canterbury Gay Pride.Carnival for Full Enjoyment - Edinburgh 4 July (update)
16-06-2005 15:55

Sheffield Anti-G8 June 15 Videos
16-06-2005 15:31

Eleven Arguments for a Basic Income
16-06-2005 13:53
Social logic is more future-friendly than profit logic. With the end of cheap oil and the dollar crash on the horizon, a basic income would make the future human rather than predatory. Social Darwinism and an overreach economism blind to long-term necessities could become dinosaurs.from meadowhell to guantomano bay and beyond
16-06-2005 13:39
a day of getting involved in various actions with the sheffield convergence spaceFIRST ARREST MADE UNDER EDO INJUNCTION - DEMO @ LEWES PRISON TONIGHT
16-06-2005 13:22
FIRST ARREST MADE UNDER EDO INJUNCTIONDissent! Important Update on anti-G8 events (incl. accommodation)
16-06-2005 11:22
This posting contains important information about anti-G8 Summit activities in Scotland, including arrival and accommodation. Always check
People Arrested on Demo in court today
16-06-2005 11:04
The people arrested on the anti-G8 demo last night will be in court todayProtestors outside Parliament will be nicked from August
16-06-2005 10:29
Here's an story from yesterday that didn't seem to get the publicity it warranted:Critical Mass Sheffield G8 Wed Eve
16-06-2005 09:38

Dover Removal Centre Detainees 'Riot'
16-06-2005 09:01
Source: Dover Express 16 June 2005 "Failed refugees clash on Western Heights" allegedly.Short stories from yesterday's G8 protests
16-06-2005 08:30

16-06-2005 08:21
from today's morning star...Viejo y Nuevo Sindicalismo
16-06-2005 06:56
“Nuestros queridos compañeros de partidos políticos que no nos entienden (...) No queremos que estén encima nuestro (...) Que nos entiendan, queremos un renacer de la clase trabajadora, para eso queremos que nos liberen las manos.”Jorge, del Cuerpo de Delegados de Subterráneos. Acto en Plaza Lorea, 1/5/05.