Day 1 (25/05/07): Berlin
We finally arrived here around midday after 8 days of hitching and spent much of our day in internet cafes trying to find somewhere to stay through CouchSurfing (link to Failing this, we got directions to Kopi (link to, a massive 17 year squatted building that was damaged in WWII. The lovely people here gave us directions to an infopoint called Bethanien, another squat, where we could get help finding a place to stay. We spent the night at a (formerly squatted) free hostel a couple of miles away. Sleeping on a real mattress was amazing...
Day 2 (26/05/07): Berlin
...So amazing, in fact, that we couldn't resist staying here longer. We cooked for a few people and in the process missed out on a free festival (link to and an education demo. The weather was crap anyway.
Day 3 (27/05/07): Berlin
The last couple of days we've met quite a few people from different corners of the world (most of them speak English, luckily) and some of these have vanished today for an indymedia meeting in Rostock and the ASia Europe Meeting (link to in Hamburg. This is being touted as the "warm up" for both police and activists going to the G8 and will be the biggest ever police operation in Hamburg's history, as well as an indicator of the possible scale of the actions of 6th-8th June. Tonight there's a punk gig at Kopi and if my feet can manage the walk we'll be hoping to go and meet some more people there.
More info...
27.05.2007 08:55