UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Urgent Action: Help save the life of brave journalist
22-11-2006 16:54
Colombian journalist FREDY MUÑOZ ALTAMIRANDA has been arrested by Colombia's notorious secret police after participating in a workshop organised by one of the BBC's US correspondents.Asylum Statistics: Q3 2006
22-11-2006 16:22
The Home Office has released its "asylum statistics" for the 3rd quarter of 2006 (July, August and September). Below is a summary of the main points.Corporations Profiting from Death and Repression in Oaxaca
22-11-2006 15:35
A List of US, Canadian and European Corporations Profiting from Death and Repression in OaxacaAnarchist Roberto Catrino Lopez in Prison Hospital
22-11-2006 14:47
On Wednesday 25th of October the anarchist prisoner Roberto Catrino Lopez started a hunger and thirst strike at the PI Lelystad (Dutch Prison), where he is kept, as a protest against his medical treatment.Info leak on secret BNP conference
22-11-2006 12:47
This weekend (Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th) the BNP are holding their national conference and demo in Blackpool.The location is supposed to be secret but local sources believe that The De Vere Hotel is the most likely location.
The demo is going to be on Saturday near the Winter Gardens. The police have nice little protest pens all ready for the fascists.
On the ground: Santa came early to Chiapas but he didn't bring me flak jacket
22-11-2006 03:51

Mexican Embassy Demonstration
21-11-2006 23:21

Safe Haven Pipeline demo update photos
21-11-2006 22:13

Protest Caterpillar- Stop the war profiteers! Wed 22 Nov 5.30pm
21-11-2006 18:44
Oaxaca - day of action minute by minute in the rebelion
21-11-2006 18:34

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report of oaxaca solidarity actions in london yesterday
21-11-2006 15:39
RESPONDING to an emergency call for solidarity from the people of Oaxaca in Mexico, over 70 activists, trade unionists and politicians came together in London yesterday to protest against violent repression and electoral fraud.The Birmingham International Brigade remembered
21-11-2006 13:06

Riot in Kampala, Uganda.
21-11-2006 12:42
Police and Army open fire on people resisting destruction of their tint shops in KampalaPhoto's: Protest @ Mexican Embassy (20.11.06)
21-11-2006 00:45

New Mural Wall Painting at the ASBO in Radford 2
20-11-2006 20:56

Arboretum Pub is burnt out by arsonists and listed building lost
20-11-2006 20:49

This has been quite a landmark on the Nottingham Scene and is adjacent to the Arboretum Park, the venue for many live music events over the years.
On the ground: Video report, road blockades in San Cristobal
20-11-2006 19:25

Petition to Prime Minister in support of pensioners
20-11-2006 18:52
A petition demanding that this society take better care of our elderlyAnti-racist/anti-deportation protest - Saturday 25 November 2006
20-11-2006 18:35
Anti-racist activists from NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding another anti-deportation protest on Saturday 25 November from 12-3pm on Market Street in Manchester city centre.