Yiannis Felekis | 14.02.2005 14:15 | Migration | Social Struggles
Call for participation of immigrant and antiracist groups at the ESF preparatory meeting in Athens, February 25th, 26th.
The movements assebly at the 3rd Social Forum in London on 14-16th of October 2004 decided to perform a european action day against racism; and in favour of immigrants and refugees in Europe.
During the extra-ordinary assemble in Paris on 18-19 of December, a first initial meeting between antiracist movements took place as a first step for the formation of networks. In this, the proposal for the first preparation of the 4th Forum which will be held in Athens on 25-26 February 2005 was a wide thematical meeting to take place with the aim of the coordination of our action all over Europe.
The proposal topics of the meeting were:
1) exchange experience of anti-racist and anti-fascist campaigns,
2) co-ordinate activities
3) ensure that anti-racism, opposition to discrimination is at the centre of the ESF agenta
4) ensure that minority ethnic communities participate more and are given their proper place and representation within the ESF process
5) reach out to organizations representing minority ethnic communities, immigrants and asylum seekers and invite them to participate in th ESF process – which may be assisted by a meeting with such organizations.
We consider that the most urgent issues that we have to discuss in the thematic during the preparative meeting in Athens, in 25-27 of February, are:
1. The coordination of action and the possibility of a common announcement all over Europe on the 2nd of April 2005.
2. The coordination of the respective movements of the mediterranean countries in front of the Mediterranean Social Forum in Barcerlona for the confrontation of the common issue of entry, deportation and incarcelation camps.
3. The possibility of the organisation of the annual No Border Camping in Grece during the summer 2005.
For the above reasons, we ask national delegations which take part in the preparatory meeting in Athens on the 25th and 26th of February 2005 in order for delegates from anti-racist and immigrants movement to participate, too. The thematical meeting based on our resolution in Paris could take place in the 25th of February at 18:00 in the afternoon, at a place announced in time.
We’ll be pleased to let un know about you will of participation in time.
For the coordination of the thematical meeting: Yiannis Felekis, e-mail:
The movements assebly at the 3rd Social Forum in London on 14-16th of October 2004 decided to perform a european action day against racism; and in favour of immigrants and refugees in Europe.
During the extra-ordinary assemble in Paris on 18-19 of December, a first initial meeting between antiracist movements took place as a first step for the formation of networks. In this, the proposal for the first preparation of the 4th Forum which will be held in Athens on 25-26 February 2005 was a wide thematical meeting to take place with the aim of the coordination of our action all over Europe.
The proposal topics of the meeting were:
1) exchange experience of anti-racist and anti-fascist campaigns,
2) co-ordinate activities
3) ensure that anti-racism, opposition to discrimination is at the centre of the ESF agenta
4) ensure that minority ethnic communities participate more and are given their proper place and representation within the ESF process
5) reach out to organizations representing minority ethnic communities, immigrants and asylum seekers and invite them to participate in th ESF process – which may be assisted by a meeting with such organizations.
We consider that the most urgent issues that we have to discuss in the thematic during the preparative meeting in Athens, in 25-27 of February, are:
1. The coordination of action and the possibility of a common announcement all over Europe on the 2nd of April 2005.
2. The coordination of the respective movements of the mediterranean countries in front of the Mediterranean Social Forum in Barcerlona for the confrontation of the common issue of entry, deportation and incarcelation camps.
3. The possibility of the organisation of the annual No Border Camping in Grece during the summer 2005.
For the above reasons, we ask national delegations which take part in the preparatory meeting in Athens on the 25th and 26th of February 2005 in order for delegates from anti-racist and immigrants movement to participate, too. The thematical meeting based on our resolution in Paris could take place in the 25th of February at 18:00 in the afternoon, at a place announced in time.
We’ll be pleased to let un know about you will of participation in time.
For the coordination of the thematical meeting: Yiannis Felekis, e-mail:

Yiannis Felekis