March for Engerland 2014
Antifa Actually | 29.04.2014 16:26 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | South Coast
"Mickey Bayliss are you a massive twat?"
Aparently I'm not english anymore
Pitt Snr saying au revoir to our fair city
Casuals spotter last seen attempting to infiltrate the Prince Albert last year
Also seen getting worked up at the Casuals' revenge demo back in 2012
"Mickey Bayliss are you a massive twat?"
Aparently I'm not english anymore
Pitt Snr saying au revoir to our fair city
Casuals spotter last seen attempting to infiltrate the Prince Albert last year
Also seen getting worked up at the Casuals' revenge demo back in 2012
Before the march got under way police used horses to force the majority of the antifascists down West Street and out of the way. While it would have been good if there had been a more determined attempt to hold the ground, there are obvious practical and moral difficulties in stopping horses and it was still early in the day.
When MfE left the pub it became apparent that they hadn't mustered more than about 70 boneheads – though no doubt there were more skulking elsewhere. Sussex plod had lent on 'Spoons to stay open for the racists, though given that they can't be much of a money spinner with numbers so low I wonder if pressure could be applied in the other direction to encourage them to refuse?
The marchers (overwhelmingly white, male, middle aged, overweight and under-haired) made their way slowly down West St inside a mobile kettle. Despite their unintentionally ironic chants of “whose streets?” it was clear MfE would only be allowed on the tiny portion of our streets that the police allowed them on. Heckles and the occasional missile were exchanged as the racists reached Kings Rd. MfE then had to squeeze between a number of cop vans past the previously damaged section of road.
MfE leader 'Pompey' Dave Smeeyton and his entourage were apparently to lazy and/or important to walk the entire 300 yards of seafront (already shortened by antifascist undermining), so instead waited for the march at Buddies Diner. Just after this the march was halted by police for a few minutes, which gave MfE the chance to engage in some charming banter with the locals. A man and women waved a Canada jumper at the marchers from a third floor window and (confusingly) chanted “USA! USA!”, not to be outdone MfE responded with counter chants of “get your tits out for the lads” and “she's got chlamydia”. St. George would be proud.
A few antifascists attempted to get the Antifascist Network banner into the road, but police were quick to swoop and the second banner of the day was lost. MfE was then greeted by a “Racists Go Home” banner drop and then had their speeches drowned out by a trombonist, before trudging back to West St.
Since MfE was halted, redirected and halted again in 2012 police have spent considerable resources maintaining a sterile area on the seafront and, as long as this continues, any disruption of the march itself will be difficult.
Once again the main event for militant antifascists was the mopping up of racists throughout town. A few fights broke out on Queens Rd, with antifa apparently coming off by far the better, though unfortunately one protester was injured by a pig on a horse. Around a dozen known fascists were then spotted and confronted drinking outside the Dorset on Gardner Street.
Following a short exchange of opinions the political debate became more heated when someone turned a table over and the fash responded by throwing everything they could get their hands on – including their pints, ashtrays and a considerable amount of furniture. Anything that wasn't broken was then helpfully returned by antifascists. The two coppers on hand were quick to join the fascist ranks, batoning any antifa who got too close, but even with their presence if we had of taken the initiative sooner no doubt it would have been a more resounding success.
When one fascist eventually ran at an isolated antifascist the missile throwing evolved into more gentlemanly fisticuffs, although one chubby fash decided to keep his distance and swing his umbrella into people's bonces, much like he did last year. Antifa were probably getting the upperhand (watch the fash that started the bundle leg it back in the opposite direction 5 seconds later 2:00-2:05 -

Back on Queens Rd a fairly impressive barricade had been erected and elsewhere in the city Casualties United's crack ninja squad was twice challenged and chased by antifascists and (aside from claiming they never actually came) they've been surprisingly quiet ever since. The majority of the march was eventually loaded onto rail replacement buses at the rear of the station looking decidedly dejected as locals waved them goodbye.
All that was left for antifa to do was retire to the pub with most heading to either the Mash Tun or Prince Albert. Some headed up to Hollingbury nick for the obligatory prisoner support – 27 arrests, 14 of which were 'ours'. Apart from a few fash drinking in the Royal Standard under heavy police protection, one guy sneaking in and out of the Prince Albert to leave a crappy sticker and Casuals United's not-so-subtle spotter hanging around the station there was barely a trace of MfE left in Brighton by late afternoon.
All-in-all we won. Not a resounding success their march went ahead, albeit with massive police protection and we could have been less charitable in a couple of the confrontations, but their numbers were down, their day looked shit and we certainly owned the streets. Quite how much longer Brighton will tolerate these knuckle dragging fools remains to be seen, but they claim they'll be back next year as if that's a threat to anything other than our council tax bill so until then...
For more accounts of the day check:

Malatesta -


Antifa Actually
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