UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Sparks Defy Anti-Union Laws With Massive Wildcat Strike
08-12-2011 13:53

Physical Attacks on Squatters
07-12-2011 17:28

Solidarity Banner and flyer text for the Anarchists P.Masouras and K.Karakatsani
07-12-2011 14:53

VID - N30 Strike! Interviews from the picket lines
07-12-2011 14:35

A brief snapshot of the morning with interviews from the picket lines. Why people are striking, and why it affects everyone, including those who think it doesn't affect them.
Greece: clashes during December 6th demo - videos
07-12-2011 10:28
Greece: clashes during December 6th demo - videosGreece - Athens: clashes during December 6th demo - photos
07-12-2011 10:06

‘Occupy’ protesters reclaiming foreclosed homes in 20 cities
07-12-2011 00:22

The 99 percent movement, which has been evicted from many of their encampments across the country, is finding common cause with thousands of homeowners who are also being evicted from their homes.
Even though the movement has often been criticized for a lack of defined goals, Tuesday’s “Occupy Our Homes” action in at least 20 cities makes it clear that they are standing up to banks to reverse foreclosures.
“We’re in the neighborhood in New York City that had the highest number of foreclosure filings in 2010 to send a message that the economy is failing the 99 percent,” Vocal New York organizer Sean Barry told Raw Story from a Brooklyn neighborhood as about 200 protesters chanted in the background.
Global Call for New Year’s Eve noise demos outside of prisons, jails, and detent
06-12-2011 11:32

Egyptian Embassy in London occupied in solidarity with #Tahrir protests
06-12-2011 11:24
Yesterday, Four female activists entered and occupied the Egyptian Embassy in solidarity with the Tahrir Square movement. The activists were subsequently arrested and taken to West End Central Police Station.UK Premiere 2012 The Mayan Word (December 17th)
05-12-2011 12:18

December 17th 2011 6pm
Everyone is talking about the Mayan Prophecies of 2012.
But who is listening to the Maya?
The movement of the etcetera
05-12-2011 00:35

Squatting: a history. Progress to the future
04-12-2011 21:00

Herefordshire workers join N30 strike
04-12-2011 20:37

Letters from Anarchist Prisoners of the ‘Bombs Case’ in Chile
04-12-2011 17:45

pdf for printing (480.6 KB)

pdf for reading (865.99 KB)

Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton
04-12-2011 17:43
Reparations in Action!Sunday, 13:00 to 14:00 (2011-12-04)
Host: Penny Hess
This Week: Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton
UK foreign aid money is being spent on providing electricity for Walmart in Mexi
04-12-2011 13:40
A report launched this week by the World Development Movement reveals that UK climate aid is being used to produce cheap electricity for the US multinational Walmart, through a project that violates the rights of indigenous people in Mexico.Mexican embassy flies Zapatista flag
04-12-2011 12:25

Egypt: The November Uprising
04-12-2011 10:34

The Egyptian revolution will not be settled in 18 days or months. It’ll take “years” for the dust to settle, may be four or five, I don’t know. There will be waves, ebbs and flows, battles to be won and others lost.
This November uprising is only one chapter in the Egyptian revolution, but not the final one.
We have come a long way. We can all recall the mood in February when you could have been lynched in a protest by the people if you had chanted against the army. Now there is wide disillusionment with SCAF, and the majority of the public can clearly see today they are nothing but Mubarak’s army generals who are in effect leading the counterrevolution.