London Climate Camp meeting
London Climate Campers | 21.09.2006 13:01 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London
Where next for climate activism in London? Second Camp for Climate Action follow-up meeting, Tuesday, September 26, 7 PM at RampART
A second get-together of people hoping to harness the energy that came out
of the Camp for Climate Action and work together on radical action against
climate change in London. Everyone is welcome, whether you came to the
camp or not – and bring your friends! Among other things, we'll be talking
about how we want to get involved in upcoming climate-relevant days of
action, and doing some last-minute planning for Saturday night’s Climate
Camp benefit gig, also at Rampart – more details below.
When: Tuesday, September 26, 7 PM
Where: 15-17 Rampart St., London E1 2LA
More info: call 07708 794 665
The Camp For Climate Action Benefit, 30th September
Benefit.. the ostrich returns!
MJ13 (Psychedelic Hard Core)
Marianne Hyatt (Johnny Cash's female reincarnation)
The Tell (Pagan Hard Rock)
DJne Mondstrom, DJ Timorous, VJs,
films & food.
Saturday 30th September, 8pm -2am.
RampART, 15-17 Rampart St, Whitechapel, E1
Donation on door, funds to help bail out the climatecamp
International Day of Action against the G8 + 5 Climate Summit in Mexico City.
October 14/15
Camp for Climate Action national meeting in Manchester - where next for
the climate camp?
week of October 16-22
National tour with speakers from Shell-affected communities as part of a
campaign against Shell's sponsorship of the Wildlife Photographer of the
Year Award /
November 4
National Climate March and rally in Grosvener Square, London
November 6
National Day of Action against short haul flights
November 10 TBC
International Day of Action against Shell - more details soon!
of the Camp for Climate Action and work together on radical action against
climate change in London. Everyone is welcome, whether you came to the
camp or not – and bring your friends! Among other things, we'll be talking
about how we want to get involved in upcoming climate-relevant days of
action, and doing some last-minute planning for Saturday night’s Climate
Camp benefit gig, also at Rampart – more details below.
When: Tuesday, September 26, 7 PM
Where: 15-17 Rampart St., London E1 2LA
More info: call 07708 794 665
The Camp For Climate Action Benefit, 30th September
Benefit.. the ostrich returns!
MJ13 (Psychedelic Hard Core)
Marianne Hyatt (Johnny Cash's female reincarnation)
The Tell (Pagan Hard Rock)
DJne Mondstrom, DJ Timorous, VJs,
films & food.
Saturday 30th September, 8pm -2am.
RampART, 15-17 Rampart St, Whitechapel, E1
Donation on door, funds to help bail out the climatecamp
International Day of Action against the G8 + 5 Climate Summit in Mexico City.
October 14/15
Camp for Climate Action national meeting in Manchester - where next for
the climate camp?
week of October 16-22
National tour with speakers from Shell-affected communities as part of a
campaign against Shell's sponsorship of the Wildlife Photographer of the
Year Award /
November 4
National Climate March and rally in Grosvener Square, London
November 6
National Day of Action against short haul flights
November 10 TBC
International Day of Action against Shell - more details soon!
London Climate Campers