UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
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Memorial for Carlos, antifascist killed by a nazi in Spain.
19-11-2007 00:03
Next Saturday 24th noon at Southbank, by the monument to the international brigades in Jubilee Gardens, we´ll gather to honour the memory of Carlos, an antifascist who was killed two weeks ago by a nazi in Madrid.We Are The History
18-11-2007 19:35

Six years after the G8 Summit in Genoa the trails against protesters and members of the police forces are still continuing. the trials against the police and carabineri have been delayed to benefit from the new regulations of prescriptive periods. The procecutors Canepa and Canciani show strenght in the trials against the 25 activists. Never before in the context of street protest such high charges were asked for.
In Germany activists call for a protest on November 17th. Under the slogan "Against the surveillance state and arbitrariness" people demand that a few people should not get punished for a legitimate and collectiv protest by facing them with specially contructed charges.
Protest against tourism in Burma at World Travel Market Exhibition
17-11-2007 23:31

Invitation to Expedition in the Napo-Ucayali Corridor: June/July 2008
17-11-2007 23:19
Contemporary developments in the global economy are very significant for the Amazon rain forest. While this might be said to be true for anywhere at any point in time there are nevertheless good reasons for paying special attention to what maybe the last battle for the survival of the largest rain forest in the world, the loss of which it should need no further justification to lament – and that is the basis upon which this invitation is written….Antifascist Concentration Sat. 24th November
17-11-2007 20:06
A memorial for Carlos, murdered spanish antifascist, and a protest against the banning of the antifascist demo that had been called for that day.Meet at 12 by the International Brigades Monument @ Southbank
Jubilee Gardens, close to the London Eye.
New Norwich Social Centre!
17-11-2007 15:14
The Where Will It Be Collective (WWIB) announce the opening of a social centre in a squatted building in Norwich city centre. Come and visit! Here's the press release:Total petrol station demo in Wrexham
17-11-2007 14:52

unknown major Babeuf manuscript discovered in Moscou yesterday
17-11-2007 03:21
Moscou: unknown 1790-manuscript of the French Social Revolutionary Graccus Babeuf found in former Soviet collectionArrest warrant for Chris Eubank re: Peace Action
17-11-2007 01:32
A judge has issued a warrant for the arrest of ex-boxer Chris Eubank after he failed to turn up to court over an unlawful protest in Whitehall.Eubank was charged after he tried to park his seven-tonne truck outside the gates to Downing Street in May in protest at UK policy in Iraq.
Brighton Council's Use of the Housing Act (2006)To Drive Out Squatters
17-11-2007 01:07
BHCC use the new housing laws to attack the homelessCall For International Days Of Action For Squats & Autonomous Spaces - April 08
16-11-2007 23:43

Sign the petition to No10 against custody deaths
16-11-2007 18:51

Family of Paul Coker React to CPS decision not to Prosecute Police Officers
16-11-2007 18:46

Thursday, November 15, 2007
By the family of Paul Coker
Why We Don't Celebrate Thanksgiving
16-11-2007 16:41

Humanitarian Agreement in Colombia meeting
16-11-2007 14:51

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Public meeting: Stand up for your freedom to protest! LSE, 2nd December
16-11-2007 11:43
Gordon Brown plans to extend the restrictions on demonstrations near parliament to cover the whole country, claiming that this will simplify the work of the police. The current law totally bans spontaneous protests, requiring advance police permission, which allows the police to impose arbitrary limits on numbers and effectively act as political censors. The consultation proposes extending these rules to any protest anywhere, in the name of 'harmonisation'. The freedom to protest was won through hard struggle and if we want to keep it we must take a stand to say enough is enough. Come to a public meeting to plan a public response: we propose early January.Public meeting
LSE room H102, Connaught House
2-4pm, Sunday 2nd December

15-11-2007 22:31
Stop fueling the Burmese junta - boycott Total Oil and Chevron/Texaco
15-11-2007 19:25
Far from the headlines, the crisis in Burma continues--fuelled, in part, by international oil corporations like Total Oil and Chevron/Texaco. These corporations don't just fund the junta; they lobby on its behalf in capital cities around the world. These are the same companies many of us fuel up with. That means our pressure as consumers has the power to force change—and it's our responsibility to act.INSURGENTES against Venezuela´s constitutional reform
15-11-2007 15:58
* Various organizations and individuals within Venezuela, each with a history of social struggle and each bringing with them diverse proposals from the anti-authoritarian and critical left, have assembled in the space of INSURGENTES (INSURGENTS) to forge a position against the proposed constitutional “reform” offered by the republic’s President, Hugo Chavez Frias.Venezuela: Interview with an indigenous activist
15-11-2007 15:55
* As part of the 2.300 delegates in the second Zapatista and indigenous community’s international reunion, which took place last July in Mexico, members of the wayuu community delivered a truly important message: Venezuelan indigenous community’s situation is very different than the declared by the government people in Caracas. El Libertario talked about the experience with Jorge Montiel, member of the Maikiralasa’lii.