UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
dspanishRevolution: June 21th Video and texts
21-06-2011 15:45
videos, text and photos on spanish reviolution june 21thWe Rebel With Our Dancing And Singing (June 15th)
21-06-2011 15:11

Today, in Syntagma Square, the people have exceeded themselves. Facing the violence of the MAT [=riot police force], of tear gas and molotov cocktails, they responded with drums, dancing and singing.
A short and incomplete history of squatting in Brighton
21-06-2011 12:58
New zine!Rise of reactionaries
21-06-2011 12:06
Sectarianisim in the North Of Eire, EDL on the streets of England. Ever noticed that in times of economic strife there is always a group who wish to "blame" another section of society, whether it be religious hatred(Catholic/Muslim) economic, or other excuses which detract from the real problem; Government. It is by these divide and rule tactics that they regain strength and power, weakening the masses and our movements. No to loyalisim,no to the EDL/Casuals united. These are lackeys af the state, street thugs. Time for resistance, reclaim the streets!!Brian Haw (1949-2011)
20-06-2011 14:20

Open letter of anarchist Christos Tsakalos from the prisons of Koridallos
19-06-2011 14:47
Open letter of anarchist Christos TsakalosBP portrait award demo
19-06-2011 13:16

Cambridge Jobcentre 'Redecorated'!
17-06-2011 21:42

Persons unknown had sprayed "Fuck work B4 it fucks U" right across the front of the building"!
Unemployment Figures Con
17-06-2011 21:39
Unemployment has fallen by 88,000 but official figures showed the fall came after thousands of young people were classed as 'economically inactive' rather than unemployed.Ruling Class On The Attack Ahead Of 30th June Strikes
17-06-2011 16:14
s the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union released the result of its 30th June strike ballot on Wednesday, the vulpine Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude was all over the TV schedules, in what was clearly a pre-planned counter-offensive. Maude - whose personal wealth is estimated at £3 million - told teatime news presenters that he was concerned about "vulnerable" service users, who would be affected by the strike action. He also argued that the low turnout meant the PCS had no mandate for strike action. Though his hypocrisy is easy to see, the figures do appear to show a general dissatisfaction with the PCS leadership. And PCS is not the only union with a thin strike mandate for the 30th. The turnout was well below half in both the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) ballots. What does this mean, and how does the ruling class intend to make political capital out of these circumstances?Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Former undercover cop’s media circus is just a big show
16-06-2011 09:02

Yesterday morning BBC Radio Five Live demonstrated, once again, the utter futility of interviewing former undercover police officer Mark Kennedy. Mr Kennedy is a man who has carved out a career as a professional liar. Pouring his heart out to Victoria Derbyshire, he apparently deeply regrets the endless lies he had to tell in his former role. However, he seems to show no sign of giving untruths a rest.
When asked whether he ever acted as an agent provocateur, Kennedy claimed he had “never encouraged anyone to do anything they weren’t already going to do”, and that he only ever came in at a very late stage to planned direct actions.
However, in the case of the 114 people arrested for conspiring to commit aggravated trespass at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station in April 2009, we know this to be far from the truth.
Sunderland Working Class Bookfair June 18th
15-06-2011 23:32
The latest Working Class Bookfair will take place in Sunderland on Saturday the 18th of june, 11-5pm, followed by early evening music from the Summer Tumblers.Books, barbecues, beer, soft drinks and good company should make for a good day out.
Taking on Tarmageddon trailer
15-06-2011 21:35

Journalist and Human rights activist Tortured
15-06-2011 17:18

Glos Guerilla Gardening meet-up
15-06-2011 16:49
I've been talking to lots of people interested in starting some form of guerilla gardening group in gloucestershire, and I'm sure there are many more of you out there...So lets get gardening!
'Greek Revolution' at the Crossroads
15-06-2011 13:36

Atos Origin Recruitment Event Disrupted by Angry Protests
15-06-2011 08:01

Europe Activists campaign against Israeli Agrexco -Global day of action 26/11/11
15-06-2011 07:44

Agrexco is Israel's largest fresh produce exporter and European markets account for the vast majority of their sales under the brand Carmel. The Israeli government's 50% stake in the company as well as their marketing of 60-70% of the fruit and vegetables grown in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank have made Agrexco a prime strategic target for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.
Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Armed Forces Offices targeted in Oxford
15-06-2011 03:15
In the early hours of 15th June, the offices held by the Armed Forces at 35 St Giles since 1936 were targeted in an expression of independent anti-militarist direct action. Red paint, emblematic of the unneccesary deaths of innocents and servicemen and -women at home and across the world, was poured over the front door and steps in order to cause maximum inconvenience to those who make war possible while masquerading as members of the local community. This was done to impede as far as possible the continuation of business from that location.