UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
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Pro-Nazi, Pro-Rape, Pro-Pedo Music in London
14-06-2011 21:52

Kingsley Burrell - March for Justice - 2nd July 2011
14-06-2011 21:45

2nd July: March for Justice In Birmingham. We can make this as big as the march in London. It will be a peaceful March
Fear of Freedom:collectivist bill of rights reducing NZers to dependency.
14-06-2011 19:45
Australia could be landed with a dependent NZ if we become part of Australia. In my view, we will be like 'an anchor their your neck'. Our collectivist bill of rights, Australia is also seriously considering a bill of rights, is reducing the population to a state of dependency. I consider, if we join with Australia it should be a matter of mutual choice and not out of our desperation by our being reduced to 'third world status' and the 'begging bowl'. But I do think God is defending New Zealand so the people can have a choice.Letter from imprisoned anarchist Damiano Bolano
14-06-2011 12:36

SpanishRevolution: Graphics 2_ Videos and Txt
14-06-2011 12:02
texts, videos and graphs on SpanishRevolutionFull article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Peaceful protestors arrested. Cut the TSG!
14-06-2011 07:58

I am livid, for one very simple reason: I have just watched four peaceful protestors be violently arrested by the Metropolitan Police. Countless others I watched get pushed, shoved, and punched. Subsequently another was arrested at a demo outside Holborn Police Station against the initial arrests. Several vans of TSG were deployed to this, again entirely peaceful, in front of a fortified police station to which a couple of dozen students and academics could pose no meaningful threat. A dog section was present, both at SOAS and outside the Police Station.
Let's Stop a Bad Drugs Law Getting on the Books in the UK!
14-06-2011 02:42
The so-called Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, currently under discussion in the House of Lords, is already under scrutiny for various suspected threats to civil liberties, most notoriously clamp-downs on rights of public assembly and protest in response to the actions at Parliament Square. But let's not overlook the section that would actually REMOVE the need for experts of any kind to advise the government about drugs policy!Anarchist Federation statement on June 30th
13-06-2011 15:09
Anarchist Federation on the upcoming strikes and actions on June 30thTwo men deported from Lye
13-06-2011 14:16
Two men have been arrested in Lye under the Immigration Act as part of a joint police and UK Border Agency crackdown on “illegal” immigrants.Take the square!!! Take the streets!!! #Globalrevolution 19th June 2011
13-06-2011 12:05
We are the outraged, the anonymous, the voiceless. We were there, silent but alert, watching. Not gazing upward at the powers that be, but looking from side to side for the right time to unite with each other.Fight The Cuts: Public Meeting with John McDonnell MP
13-06-2011 11:45

Thu 16 Jun 2011, 7pm Pennine Lecture Theatre, Sheffield Hallam University, Howard St. S1 1WB
Stand Up, Be Counted, Slut Walk
13-06-2011 08:45

As we stormed the London streets on Saturday, a defining moment for me was when we walked past a group of builders. They downed tools and just stared at us, open mouthed. No cat calls, no wolf whistles, no smarmy comments – they read the signs, they shut up. I’m sure for many women there it was the first time we’ve managed to walk past a building site and not had our anatomy dissected by men who are often older than us, probably with daughters our age.
This is what I think gets misunderstood. There’s a difference between someone paying you a compliment and someone wolf whistling or saying ‘nice tits’. I have had men say to me in the street ‘you look nice today’ and been bowled over by the fact they seem to have manners. It’s such a rarity. The majority of the time, I get hissed at, whistled at (you know, like you would an animal), told I have nice tits, nice legs, told I should wear my skirt a little shorter, told how nice my ass looks. When your first comment to me is sexual, how am I to know you’ll just leave it at a comment? What may be an innocent comment to you, I have no choice but to take a a possible threat.
Greece: Democracy is born in the squares
12-06-2011 11:53
There may be no better proof of the rupture that is brought about by the “movement of the squares” other than its open, participatory, directly democratic way of organising and functioning. Within a single week it has given birth to a political culture of a different type, one that literally overcomes all known models of organising and struggle to date.Even if the issue of its procedures is incomplete, it comes up again and again and comprises the most important legacy already left to the political and social life of the country. This does not mean there are no issues with disorganisation, inefficiency, delays. Taking into account however the explosive rhythm of its development, the lack of previous experience on the side of those who created it, along with the need to compile, step by step, heterogeneous and different opinions of all participants through open procedures, all this is to be expected. Even if time-consuming, its procedures are flexible and are altered by the day; they are self-criticised, adjusted according to mistakes, comments and suggestions deriving from them being tested in practice.
Fire Extinguishers and Fire Starters: Anarchist interventions in the #Spanish Revolution
12-06-2011 09:48

Barcelona, Spring 2011: Chronology of An Unexpected Event
Shell compound occupied for 9 hours – third action in two days
10-06-2011 15:02
Wednesday and Thursday saw a serious of occupations and actions against the drilling compound at Aghoos in Mayo as part of the ongoing campaign against Shell. The events culminated in an eight-hour lock-on and a nine hour occupation of machinery which stopped all work for the day. Over thirty people were involved in the events. UK and other international campaigners joined Irish activist as part of the days of action.BoS Demonstrators Protest Unlawful Arrest Of Bank Account Funds
10-06-2011 12:44

Spain in Revolution VIDEOS...10.96.11
10-06-2011 08:44
video, photos, texts on revolution in south europeDemo against Santander, Brighton - in Solidarity with the Arab Uprisings
10-06-2011 07:27
Meet outside Santander opposite Churchill Square today FRIDAY JUNE 10BETWEEN 4-6PM
PCS Industrial action in Brierley Hill
09-06-2011 23:49
PCS members in Brierley Hill have staged walkouts in protest over concerns their health and wellbeing is been put at risk by new polices introduced by HMRC.Sri Lankan Garment Workers Defy Unions And Killer Cops Over Pensions
09-06-2011 14:16